Pregnancy Increases Your Risk for Just About Everything

Pregnancy makes a woman more susceptible to colds, allergies,and flu complications. Our immune systems are compromised, making it easier to catch illnesses. We often struggle with concentration and balance due to hormones and their effect on our brains and bodies. Pregnant women are also apt to suffer mood swings, aches and pains, and nausea. Pregnancy is the only condition that makes it normal to suffer from so many different symptoms and side effects! Besides the various classic symptoms of pregnancy, you might find yourself at an increased risk for: Developing gum disease. Pregnancy is no time to slack when it … Continue reading

A Healthy Mouth and a Healthy Pregnancy

When it comes to your health, everything is connected. Your body is a system, and when one part is not well, symptoms show up throughout the rest of the body. When you’re pregnant, your baby’s health is affected as well, and that is why it is so important to do everything you can to stay healthy. That includes getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, exercising and talking to a doctor when you think something might be wrong. Your teeth are no exception. In fact, your oral health is directly tied to your pregnancy. According to a study done at … Continue reading

Sports and Recreation

Some women significantly reduce their workload, exercise and activity level during pregnancy. Some women have to because of a high risk pregnancy and others have always been taught that this is the right thing to do to keep both mom and baby healthy. But a growing number of women are of the mindset that pregnancy doesn’t have to slow you down at all, at least until the sheer size and weight of the baby in the final trimester begins to get in the way. Research shows that exercise is safe and healthy for pregnant women. We know more about what … Continue reading

Baby Has Taratoma Removed in Utero

It is absolutely remarkable what technology and science can do to help improve people’s health. In Florida, doctors were able to remove a large tumor from a baby that was still inside her mother’s womb. Today, the baby girl is 20 months old, and is doing great! For most mothers, the images that come from an ultrasound are a delight to see. It isn’t the same quality as a photograph would be, but, it is a way to be able to see your child before she is born. Unfortunately, mother Tammy Gonzalez saw something scary in the ultrasound of her … Continue reading

Virus Linked to Hearing Loss in Children

A new study in the Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, has found that the virus cytomegalovirus (CMV) is to blame for hearing loss in some babies. Nine% of Children with hearing loss ranging from partial impairment in just one ear to complete deafness were found to also have CMV. CMV is a common virus that usually causes a small, harmless infection. However, women who contract CMV during their pregnancy have a higher chance of having a child with some degree of hearing loss according to this study. In addition, children with both CMV and hearing loss had a more … Continue reading

Steps to Avoid Birth Defects

January is National Birth Defect Prevention month and the perfect time to promote steps to a healthy pregnancy. One in 33 US children is born with a birth defect and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention works with programs including the National Birth Defects Prevention Study to find the causes. According to the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, birth defects account for more than 20% of all infant deaths. These defects also contribute to illness and long-term disability. While the causes of most birth defects are still unknown, many happen early in pregnancy. Therefore, the National Birth Defects Prevention … Continue reading

Watching Out for Food Allergies

You’ve probably noticed that I am new to the baby blog! I am still writing over at the pregnancy blog, but since my life is monopolized by a cute little 17-month-old who has recently learned to climb just about every piece of furniture, I thought I would share my experiences, advice and know-how over here as well. While my son is healthy, there is one issue which has a huge impact on our day to day life: he has food allergies. Ever since he was diagnosed just shortly after his first birthday, the way we eat and how we handle … Continue reading

Why Did My Baby Get Thrush?

No one knows. There, satisfied? I’m guessing not. Seriously, though, it can be difficult to pinpoint why babies come down with thrush. There are some things we know for sure concerning thrush. We know that thrush is an overgrowth of the yeast, called candida, found in every person’s body. We know that infants are more susceptible to thrush because their immune systems aren’t fully developed and they are in the process of developing a healthy balance of fungi and bacteria in their bodies. As far as why certain babies get thrush while others do not, there are a lot of … Continue reading

Be Afraid, Thrush. Be Very Afraid.

I wrote yesterday that I’m suspicious my daughter might have thrush. Experienced family members and her pediatrician all think it probably isn’t thrush, but I’m taking some precautions, just to be safe. I emailed a midwife I greatly trust (she delivered both of my older sisters in home births 25+ years ago and is still delivering babies), and got some great advice. She suggested buying a probiotic in capsule form, breaking open the capsule, and dipping my daughter’s binky into the powder. She said that allowing her to suck on the powder would help restore the natural balance of fungi … Continue reading

Play Dates: A Germ Factory?

I’m a social person. I enjoy getting out and talking with other moms, especially other moms with babies. If they breastfeed, it’s an added bonus, because it means we will have lots to talk about. My baby and I laid pretty low this winter. I felt like I wanted to keep her protected from germs during flu season. Now that spring is upon us, I’m much more open to getting together with other people. In fact, this week alone, there are three play dates we are attending. I’m not sure what your experiences have been with play dates, but mine … Continue reading