A Tale of Two Pregnancies

Hi, my name is Sara and I am currently thirty three and a half weeks pregnant. You may have seen my posts on the Home Business, Genealogy, and Money blogs here on Families.com. I’m excited to join the Pregnancy blog even at this late stage in my second pregnancy because between this experience and my pregnancy with my twenty seven month old son, there is plenty to talk about. As anyone who has been pregnant more than once can tell you, each pregnancy is completely different. Some of the things that are different with this pregnancy are things that I … Continue reading

Recovering After Pregnancy

Although the birth of each of my sons was different, I have noticed a similarity between the two experiences in how I feel afterwards. The overall theme of what I felt after my first pregnancy and what I am feeling now is to get up, get out, get moving, and otherwise resume my normal daily activities. As I share my experience in the pregnancy recovery department, please keep in mind that since each woman and each pregnancy is different, your plan for pregnancy recovery and resumption of daily activities should be discussed with your doctors or midwives to ensure your … Continue reading

Exercise During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise during pregnancy is a good thing, if your prenatal care provider feels that you are healthy enough to exercise. Of course, when you are pregnant, exercising may not be something that you feel like doing much of the time especially if you feel nauseous or tired. I have been pregnant twice, and the first time around I did not exercise very much. The second time, I exercised regularly from the time that I discovered that I was pregnant until a week before my son was born, when my midwives decided that it was not safe for … Continue reading

What is Preeclampsia?

With pregnancy, it is important to remember that things may not turn out the way that you had intended. I learned this during my first pregnancy, and I experienced it again during my most recent pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my first son, I developed preeclampsia towards the end of the pregnancy. I began to show signs of it before I was to term, but fortunately the symptoms did not present fully until about ten days before my due date. Preeclampsia is a medical condition where a pregnant woman’s blood pressure rises suddenly and other symptoms including protein in … Continue reading

Do You Know When You are Due?

This past week, I had a surprising experience regarding due dates. Everyone knows that due dates are never completely exact, but they can often be determined with a reasonable degree of certainty by calculating the date of your last menstrual period. There are things that can affect that calculation, though, causing the due date to be rather far off. One thing that can happen is that many people have no idea what the date was when they started their last menstrual period. Some people do, usually those are people who have been keeping track of their cycles so that they … Continue reading

Pregnancy Cravings

Pregnancy is certainly an interesting experience on so many levels. Not only are you experiencing the miracle of life unfolding within your very own body, you are experiencing physical sensations that range from strange to painful and everything in between. Add to that the mix of emotions that accompany a fluctuating flow of hormones, top it all off with a few food cravings, and you’ve got yourself a non-stop supply of entertainment for nine months. Food cravings have always interested me because I love food. I always wondered whether I would crave anything strange during pregnancy because I had heard … Continue reading

Are You Nesting?

Many pregnant women experience a desire to clean, organize, and otherwise get their homes ready for their new arrival. It often results in a flurry of activity that is commonly referred to as “nesting”. Nesting can happen any time during a pregnancy, and many times there is an extra burst of it right at the end of pregnancy as labor approaches. For some reason, during my last pregnancy, I did not have any urge to nest. I listened to my two pregnant co – workers describe the things that they were doing around their homes and I began to wonder … Continue reading

Conjoined Twins May Soon Have Reality TV Series

Tatiana and Krista Hogan are twin sisters, who are currently four years old. The first thing most people would notice about these two girls is that they are conjoined at the head. Despite this, they each have a very distinct and separate personality from each other. There is some talk that the girls may, someday, be featured on a reality television show, based on their family. The term conjoined twin is relatively new. In the past, the most commonly used term for this condition was “Siamese twins”. This could be in reference to two famous brothers, Chang and Eng. They … Continue reading

Rubella in Pregnancy

When you visit your health care provider for a pre conception visit or your first prenatal check up, he may take blood. A variety of tests are done. One of these is a rubella titer. This is a test to check for immunity to German measles. Although rubella is rare, contracting it during pregnancy can be very dangerous to the baby. It is a particular concern in early pregnancy when the effects are most severe. When rubella is contracted early in a pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage, developmental disabilities and several other birth defects, also known as congenital … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: A Pure and Chosen Vessel

Although last month seems like an ideal time to discuss the conception of Christ and the Lord’s choice of mothers, I’m going to buck the trend and do it in January. Of course, the Sunday School lesson for this week is a big part of the cause of the subject. Still, I’ve always been a rebel, so why not continue to go against the grain? We’ve discussed Elisabeth and the divine announcement of her pregnancy with John the Baptist. Shortly after, Gabriel, the same angel who visited Zacharias, came to Mary. While I studied the passages on Elisabeth, several questions … Continue reading