Fears of Pregnancy

Confession time: you’d think that the thought of getting pregnant again wouldn’t scare me, because I’ve already done it once, but it does a little! The first time around I had no idea what to expect. I read books and forums online, but you don’t really know what it is like until you go through it yourself. Everything that came along, I took in stride. I wasn’t afraid of giving birth because I was very optimistic about handling the pain. But recently I have thought about what it would be like to get pregnant again and I realized the thought … Continue reading

Addressing Fears of Pregnancy and Motherhood

Girls, we often sell ourselves short. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a woman express insecurities about her pregnancy, delivery or becoming a mom, and all I want to say is, “you will be great!” It’s time to give yourself a pep talk and face those fears head on. Here are some of the most common fears I’ve come across and reasons why you should throw them out the window and focus on the joy of meeting your baby instead. I need at least nine house of sleep. How am I going to function with a newborn? … Continue reading

Expectations for Parenting

Have you thought about what it will be like once you have your baby? What will motherhood be like and what will it require? Is it really as bad as some people say? Is it really as wonderful as some people say? Will you be successful and what does that even mean? In reflecting back on my expectations for becoming a mom, I find that I was entirely wrong on all accounts. I knew I would love my child, but the scale and scope of what I anticipated was completely eclipsed by reality. I love him so much more than … Continue reading

Don’t Wait Too Long

People say that babies are expensive, but the truth is, you’ll probably spend much more money on other things in your lifetime. Choosing to become a parent is one of those things you simply cannot sum up between a dollar sign and a decimal point. The gain you receive from having a child is worth more than you can imagine and the interest is compounded by the minute. Don’t worry about the sleepless nights, the spit up or the poopy diapers. Those days come and they go, and they don’t make up the substance of what is so wonderful about … Continue reading