The Paleo Diet

You may have heard the Paleo diet described as “eat like a caveman”. Other names for it include: The Stone Age diet, or the Ancient diet. No matter what name you know it as, the overall concept of the Paleo diet is the same. The Paleo diet is an attempt to replicate the diet that humans who were alive during the Paleolithic age would have eaten. It is always a good idea to consult a doctor before choosing to start a new diet. Where did the Paleo diet come from? The Paleo diet has been around for longer than you … Continue reading

The Cotton Ball Diet is Dangerous

There have been many diets that sound a bit extreme – but that do involve actual food. The cotton ball diet, however, encourages people to eat a non-food item that their bodies cannot break down or gain nutrition from. The purpose of this diet, like all diets, is weight loss. It is important to know that the cotton ball diet is very dangerous! There are certain times of the year in which a lot of people suddenly decide to go on a diet. One is shortly before summer, when people decide they want to lose weight in order to look … Continue reading

Negative Consequences of Yo-Yo Dieting

Most of us know that yo-yo dieting (losing weight, gaining weight, losing again, gaining again) isn’t good for your health.  Studies in the past have suggested that it could lead to gallbladder disease, high cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also have a negative psychological impact, such as leading to depression.  It can actually decrease your motivation and make you feel that weight loss will never happen. According to new research by Wake Forest University, in postmenopausal women yo-yo dieting may actually increase the risk of developing heart disease.  One of the things that can happen is that although blood … Continue reading

The All-or-Nothing Person

I don’t know if you can relate to this, but I tend to be an all-or-nothing kind of person.  Although this can be a good trait, for the most part it stands in the way.  This is especially true with fitness.  Thankfully I am learning to overcome this mentality. Here is what the all-or-nothing person looks like.  You intend to start up an exercise program on Monday.  But something happens and your schedule for the day gets screwed up. The all-or-nothing person’s response isn’t “I will just start on Tuesday.”  No, they decide to wait until the following Monday. Here … Continue reading

Weight Loss and the Gluten-Free Diet

I have heard rumors that say that people who go on a gluten-free diet, (for health reasons, or otherwise), tend to lose weight. I’ve also heard that eating gluten-free can cause a person to gain weight. Which one is true? It seems that they both are, depending on certain factors. The gluten-free diet is not another fad diet, (although there are some people treating it like that). People who have celiac disease, or who are gluten intolerant, or allergic to gluten, need to eat foods that do not contain gluten. This is purely for health reasons. If you have an … Continue reading

Was the Atkins Diet Worth It?

In the Summer of 2011, I started the Atkins diet. At the very end of the Summer, I decided it was time for me to quit the diet. Looking back now, I cannot help but wonder. Was the Atkins diet worth doing? Or, was it a waste of time and effort? There are many ways to assess the value of a particular diet. I think the most common way to determine if a diet was “worth it” would be if the diet helped a person to lose weight. Or, one could say that a diet was “worth it” if the … Continue reading

Why I Quit the Atkins Diet

After being on the Atkins diet for a few months, I decided it was time for me to quit. I put a lot of thought into this decision, and concluded that it was best that I get off this diet. My reasons for quitting the Atkins diet might be different from everyone else’s reasons. Despite what is commonly believed, I don’t think that people are supposed to stay “on a diet” forever. There are some exceptions to this rule, however. If a doctor prescribes a certain type of diet for a person, based on that person’s health, then it might … Continue reading

The Funnel Cakes are Not Your Friends!

The Atkins diet is not an incredibly difficult diet to follow – until you walk out the door of your home. Suddenly, there are all these foods that are not appropriate for you to eat right now. Spending the day at a Fair can be an exercise in determination, and will test your ability to avoid the temptation to eat foods that you shouldn’t be eating right now. In the time since I started the Atkins diet, I have visited my local Farmers’ Market, and I spent a day at the Renaissance Faire. Each experience presented me with foods that … Continue reading

Why I Chose the Atkins Diet

There are tons of diets to choose from, if you are interested in losing some weight. After thinking things over, I decided to try the Atkins diet. My reasons for doing so may not match anyone else’s reasons for making the same choice. I have never been on a diet before in my entire life, so this will be an adventure. Why did I choose Atkins? The most obvious reason is because I wanted to lose some weight. My sister is getting married this year, and has asked me to be a bridesmaid. This is not something I have ever … Continue reading

Has Your Diet Fallen on its Face?

So what did it? Was it a cupcake with whipped frosting? Was it an extra serving of pasta? Was it that grande cup of full fat latte with real whipped cream and chocolate drizzle? Tell me what caused your diet to fall on its face. Maybe it wasn’t the food that tempted you but stress, feelings of low self esteem, or the decision to celebrate with too many calories. There are a million reasons from not being able to say no to dessert to a death in the family that can cause you to go off of your diet. There … Continue reading