Do You Know When You are Due?

This past week, I had a surprising experience regarding due dates. Everyone knows that due dates are never completely exact, but they can often be determined with a reasonable degree of certainty by calculating the date of your last menstrual period. There are things that can affect that calculation, though, causing the due date to be rather far off. One thing that can happen is that many people have no idea what the date was when they started their last menstrual period. Some people do, usually those are people who have been keeping track of their cycles so that they … Continue reading

Pregnancy Cravings

Pregnancy is certainly an interesting experience on so many levels. Not only are you experiencing the miracle of life unfolding within your very own body, you are experiencing physical sensations that range from strange to painful and everything in between. Add to that the mix of emotions that accompany a fluctuating flow of hormones, top it all off with a few food cravings, and you’ve got yourself a non-stop supply of entertainment for nine months. Food cravings have always interested me because I love food. I always wondered whether I would crave anything strange during pregnancy because I had heard … Continue reading