When Will I Feel Baby Move?

One of the most eagerly awaited moments in any pregnancy is that moment when you feel baby’s first kicks. There is a wide range of when you might feel baby start kicking. Sixteen weeks is on the early end of the spectrum, and most women feel at least a little kicking by the twenty second week of pregnancy. There are a few variables that can influence when you will be able to feel baby’s first flutters. Experience can have a big impact on when you are able to notice and acknowledge your baby’s movements. Women who are pregnant for the … Continue reading

Baby Your Feet During Pregnancy

Pregnancy affects your whole body, but it affects some parts more noticeably than others. One area in which you might see and feel some major changes is your feet. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Your feet are used to carrying you around, but over the past few months you have been getting bigger and bigger. It is not uncommon for your feet to hurt and swell, but here are some tips to help you out. If you can, find some time each day to put your feet up. Elevating feet can help to reduce the amount … Continue reading

More Ways to Hurt Your Unborn Child

You don’t need to stroll down the baby book aisle at your local library or even Google “pregnancy concerns” to learn about all the ways you can harm your unborn child. Stress, unhealthy eating, excessive consumption of alcohol and spending too much time in a hot tub are huge no-nos for pregnant women. Now, women looking to add to their families can tack yet another risk to the ever-growing list: Working after the eighth month of pregnancy. According to a new study conducted by the University of Essex–which compiled research done in the UK and the US–women who continue to … Continue reading

Fashionably Pregnant During Wedding Season

It’s wedding season, and you’re pregnant. If you have a wedding (or two, or three) to attend this summer, don’t despair. Here are a few tips for staying cool and comfortable while looking fabulous. Dresses look beautiful on pregnant women. Whether you need a sundress for a casual day time event or a maxi dress for an elegant evening affair, you will be able to find something that fits your body and your budget. Depending upon how far along you are, you might want to try shopping in the non – maternity dress department before looking to a maternity clothing … Continue reading

Oh Baby!

Imagine if your little bun in the oven came out as a whopping loaf of bread. That’s sort of what Janet Johnson experienced a few days ago. The Lone Star State mom got a Texas-sized surprise last Friday morning when she delivered a 16-pound, 1-ounce baby boy measuring two feet long. Within hours of her son’s birth, the mom of three older children (ages 10 to 18) became an instant celebrity. According to news reports, Johnson’s fourth child landed in the record books as the largest baby ever born in the state of Texas. Baby JaMichael was born at 9:05 … Continue reading

I Hate Pregnancy

I have to be honest. I don’t like being pregnant that much. I don’t have it that bad though. Some women suffer from serious morning sickness. I didn’t. Some women get put on bed rest. Not me. But, I still don’t care for being pregnant. I’m a whiner. I have been my whole life, so being pregnant just gives me entirely too many reasons to complain. I do get sick during the first trimester. I never threw up, but did get very nauseous during the early evening hours. Other than that, the first trimester just brought with it extreme fatigue. … Continue reading

Chill Out During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, there is a lot to worry about. I am THE QUEEN of worry. So, with my first pregnancy, I was a mess. I wish I would have made the effort to have chilled out a little bit during pregnancy. But, I didn’t really know how. You can easily worry yourself into a frenzy. Issues that many women fret over include: *What to eat and how much? *What kind of vitamins to take *Is the baby moving enough, or moving too much? *What kind of parent will you be? *Are you gaining enough weight? Not enough? The … Continue reading

ICP: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

Yesterday I blogged about PUPPP, a pregnancy-related skin rash that causes intense itching on the skin and usually appears on the abdomen first. Another pregnancy related condition that causes intense itching is Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy, or ICP. As I mentioned yesterday, ICP is a much more serious condition that involves the liver’s ability to secret bile. When bile backs up in the liver, bile acids in the bloodstream increase and deposit in the skin. The bile acid deposits cause extreme itching. Unlike PUPPP, ICP does not cause a skin rash. Another difference between the two conditions is where the … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Caring for Small Children

Pregnancy is quite the journey for the first-timer, but it can be downright rocky when there’s a toddler running around, or a whole brood for that matter. First time pregnant moms have the freedom to nap when they are tired, rest when they are ill, sit when they are sore, and eat when they are hungry. Pregnant moms with a toddler running around their feet face the challenge of running the house on “empty,” cooking when they are sick to their stomach, chasing kids despite aches and pains, and eating on the go when there is no time to sit … Continue reading

Do Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy Mix?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which causes inflammation in the joints and surrounding tissues. It can lead to deformities in the hands and feet, anemia, decreased range of motion, numbness and tingling, pleurisy, and other mild to severe symptoms. It is a long term disease that can be managed (but not cured) by drugs that are incompatible with a healthy pregnancy. Does that mean women who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis can’t carry a pregnancy? Fortunately, that is not the case! Conception The pain and discomfort associated with RA may affect a couple’s sex life and account for the fact … Continue reading