Caffeine Alternatives for Pregnant Women

Whether or not a pregnant woman should consume caffeine, particularly in her first trimester, is up for debate. Most doctors will tell you that one cup of coffee a day is just fine. But if you are one of those women who say “better safe than sorry,” you might be struggling with giving up your daily buzz. It’s hard to give up caffeine when your body is used to it. Personally I think it’s easier to do before you are pregnant, while you are trying to conceive, that way you can slowly wean yourself off. Once your body gets used … Continue reading

Ask the Right Questions

There are a lot of discussions, even medical studies, over issues like: how much alcohol can a woman consume during pregnancy? How many cups of coffee? How many hot dogs? In the process of trying to draw the line between what is okay and what is not when it comes to baby’s health, researchers and moms alike are missing the point. They are asking the wrong questions. The question should never be, what can I get away with? Instead, it should be, what can I do to improve my health and my baby’s health? Stop comparing 1 drink of wine … Continue reading