Seven Ways to Save $1,000 for Your Emergency Fund

Dave Ramsey, financial guru who has helped so many families get out of debt, recommends that most of us start on the path to financial solvency by first saving up $1,000 toward an emergency fund. By having a solid emergency fund, we are less likely to go into debt, should the unexpected happen, such as the home furnace needing to be replaced, the car needing to be repaired, or the experience of a medical crisis. Saving that $1,000 is the first step of Ramsey’s overall get-out-of-debt plan. How can you save that much when there doesn’t seem to be any … Continue reading

Prepping for a Hurricane on a Budget

If you are in the path of Hurricane Sandy, the Frankenstorm as many are calling it, then hopefully you are safe and secure and well prepared. My home is right in the path of the storm, and we are just a few minutes away from landfall of this historic hurricane. I’ll keeping writing as long as I have power or until the time that I have to take further action. The wind is definitely picking up to scary proportions. While we aren’t too concerned about flooding of our home, except for maybe some water in the basement, we are concerned … Continue reading

California’s AIM Program Covers Maternity

Insurance coverage can be difficult when there is a baby on the way. The medical bills involved with having a birth in a hospital tend to be extremely expensive. If you live in California, and do not have health insurance coverage, the AIM program might help you. Many families see a pregnancy as a blessing. Soon, there will be a new addition to the family. The happiness of having a baby on the way is a very positive thing. What isn’t so positive, though, is the stress involved of trying to come up with the money to pay for the … Continue reading

Celebrity Swag Weekend

If things were correct in this world, the people that can’t afford a lot would be the ones getting award show swag. After all, can’t most celebrities afford all this stuff anyhow? But, as it turns out on this Academy Awards weekend, the celebrities are making out like bandits. I guess it is only far because only a select few will take Oscar home this weekend. All the others get to take home the swag. What’s up for grabs this year? For the stars that stay at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, quite a few goodies. Lisa Gal … Continue reading

What is a Homemaker Worth?

Do you ever feel taken for granted and undervalued as a homemaker? For many of us homemaker is our second full time job, after we do whatever it is we do all day to pay the bill, we come home and work a whole lot more. When I was younger my grandmother used to say, “A man works from sun to sun but a woman’s work is never done.” In my marriage that was true, my ex husband did very little around the house, and it’s even more true now that I’m divorced. It’s hard to place a value on … Continue reading

Insurance and Marriage

Yesterday I looked at the idea of insurance for the housewife or stay at home mom, but there are various other kinds of insurance you might need to consider. Insurance against sickness, accident or loss of income for the main worker in the partnership, house insurance, house contents insurance and car insurance are others. Sometimes with the birth of a child, people even take out an insurance policy that will mature and come to their child when they reach a certain age.This is something my parents did and Mick’s parents did too. Unfortunately they were policies that were not going … Continue reading

Introducing Pets to Newborns, Pt. 2

Last week I started a series on how to introduce your newborn children to the household pets. I stressed that the most important thing you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible for all family members, human and animal alike, is to make sure pets still receive some exclusive attention. Today I’ll look at some other things you can do before the baby arrives to help prepare your pet. Both expectant and new parents have several options to prepare and properly train pets to be around babies. The nine months of pregnancy afford you invaluable time to … Continue reading

Before You Quit Your Job…

Most Americans who have health insurance are able to afford it because it comes as a benefit from their source of employment. Without help from an employer, a lot of people would find themselves entirely unable to purchase health insurance. As a result, there are plenty of employees who truly wish to quit their jobs, for a variety of reasons, but are hesitating specifically because they fear having to go without health insurance. If you take the time to plan ahead though, you might be able to leave your job and still have health insurance. In general, it is a … Continue reading

It’s Not All About You

When I listen to some people talk it sounds like they think they are the centre of the universe. That’s the attitude children often have but one would hope we would grow out of it. In a marriage you can’t afford to have this sort of attitude. It’s no longer all about you. There is at least one other person to consider- your spouse. And then sometimes even more, with in-laws and children who come along to be considered. All of us at times want a bit of time to ourselves to do or own thing, but if one person’s … Continue reading

Home School Blogger Spotlight: Itsy Bitsy Learners

Itsy Bitsy Learners was conceived by Alison out of love for preschool education. Alison has earned a BA, with honor, in Early Childhood Studies. She is originally from the UK and previously worked at the Henry Tyndale School with Autistic Children. In addition, she worked in Nagoya, Japan at an International Early Years Program. Excelling in her job there she was granted two promotions in six months! She then married and immigrated to Texas. Whew! She certainly has a wealth of experience, exposure and energy. Alison is currently a stay at home mom with two children who undoubtedly benefit from … Continue reading