What’s In A Name?

Genealogists often spend a lot of time concentrating on reseraching people with the same surname. While surnames are important for genealogical research because they connect members of the same family, it is interesting to look at first names too. First names, or given names as they are often called, are just that – the name that a child is given by their parents when they are born. In the past, there were many children that were given the names of their ancestors. In some cultures, there was even a precise formula for naming children. For example, in the 1700’s and … Continue reading

Interview with Whit, Amy and Julie of MormonMomcast.com

After reading Miriam’s interview with the founder of www.MormonMomCast.com I found myself wanting to know more, so I sent Whit, the founder, an email and all three responded to my questions. I’m really liking these ladies and what they are doing. Brilliant idea! I wanted to give them a little more time to delve a little deeper into who and what they are. 1. Who came up with the idea for MormonMomCast and how? Amy – Whitney, she’s the enthusiast of the group. She’s always coming up with fun and exciting things for all of us. 2. What is the … Continue reading