Baby Center’s 15 Best Baby Products of 2012

If you are in the process of planning your baby registry, you may want to take note that BabyCenter has released its list of the top fifteen baby products of 2012, as chosen by moms. Who better to offer real life feedback on what works (and doesn’t work) for babies and their parents, and, perhaps more importantly, why. Since parenting is such an individual thing, it only makes sense that there are many products out there to address the needs of different parents with different lifestyles. Of course, it makes it a little harder to pinpoint which products will work … Continue reading

Feeding Time in A Multiple Cat Household

It’s been about a month since I acquired Chrestomanci, so I’ve begun to learn how this whole multiple cat thing household works. Given my trepidation over a couple issues, like feeding and litter box time, I thought I’d share the tips I’ve learned for others thinking about adopting a second cat. My biggest concern when thinking about getting another cat was how to manage feeding time. Food has always been an issue with me with cats. Dogs are easy; most gobble their dinners down right away so that makes it much easier to regulate their diets. Cats, however, are another … Continue reading

Choosing a Day Care

Most parents do not look forward to sending their child to day care. They do it out of necessity. However, for the parents of special needs children, the opportunity to send your child to day care should be viewed as a blessing. It means that your child is developmentally ready to take on new physical and social challenges. I highly recommend, though, that you resist sending your child to a traditional day care just to prove to the world and yourself how “normal” he or she is. If you live in a smaller city, you may not have a choice, … Continue reading

A Baby Will Affect Your Marriage

A baby will affect your marriage. Married life changes after children arrive purely because of the amount of time a baby takes up and needs. However the new mother needs to be very careful at this time that her husband does not feel excluded and pushed to the periphery. Try and involve your husband as much as possible holding the baby, helping with feeding if bottle fed. If baby is breast fed then you will have to find other ways to involve your spouse. Let him read to them. Yes, I did say read. I‘m a great believer that children … Continue reading

Can Herbs and Supplements Increase Your Milk Supply?

As soon as the word is out that you are breastfeeding or planning on breastfeeding, the advice will start to come out of the woodwork. Hey you should be used to it from fielding all of that baby advice when you were pregnant, right? I remember that when I was nursing my first child, or was it my second (these things can blend over the years), my husband came home with a curious little can. It was a remedy for increasing your milk supply. A co-worker had generously given it to him for me, when she found out that we … Continue reading

Choosing Wisely for the Thanksgiving Meal

Some food costs more than others. Here is how to make the best selections for your budget and still be true to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. On Thanksgiving, we tend to go a bit overboard. I know this because the number of leftovers seems to grow exponentially over the years. Everyone has their favorite dishes, and all of them need to be prepared. Why have pumpkin pie when you can have pumpkin pie, apple pie, cheesecake, cookies and a cherry cobbler. Well, I’ll tell you why. All of that food can add up, and expensive ingredients mean expensive dishes. This … Continue reading

How Safe is Our Baby Formula?

With all of the news coming from China about tainted baby formula, you might be wondering about the safety of infant formula in the United States or Europe. How safe is it? Let’s have a discussion. First, in the way of a disclaimer, I am big believer in providing a baby exclusively with breast milk. I personally feel that it is the best way to feed a baby and also the safest way to feed a baby, and that most women could and should breast feed their infants without much exception. I also believe that parents should have a choice … Continue reading

You Can’t Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: Thoughts on Refusing Vaccines

Last month, I wrote about Hannah Polling, a girl whose vaccines caused her autism. Her parents won money from the Vaccine Injury Compensation program. It was a landmark case in part because it was one of the largest compensations for autism ever awarded. Autism advocacy groups were quick to print headlines that the CDC acknowledges that vaccines cause autism and the government was quick to tout studies that showed that vaccines don’t cause autism. Before this the big ‘vaccine’ news was mandatory vaccinations in New Jersey that sent several hundred parents to court to prove that their children had them. … Continue reading

Did You Choose Godparents for Your Baby?

The concept of having godparents comes out of more liturgical traditions such as Catholicism. Different denominations have different “qualifications” for being a godparent. For example, in some churches it is suggested that the godparent be a member of the same church. However, I rather like the concept of having godparents–regardless of whether or not you’re religious and so bear with me for a minute here. Godparents are supposed to take the time necessary to build a special relationship with your child. They are supposed to share with them values and morals and take a vested interest in their lives. Obviously, … Continue reading

How Do You Get Your “Me” Time

This is a question I frequently get asked. After all, I am the very busy homeschooling mother of five kids. In all honesty, it’s much easier now that my five kids are under the age of nine. When they were under the age of five though, I had quite the different perspective. I always struggle with this question because the truth of the matter is we live in a society that places far too much weight on personal ‘me’ time. One working mother even asserted to me that I was only “half-brained” because I stay home all day with my … Continue reading