Common Pregnancy Worries

Even if you are not usually a worrier, being pregnant can turn you into one, at least temporarily. It’s only natural to worry from time to time because you can not exactly see what is going on inside your body as the pregnancy progresses. I’m pretty sure that multiple times during each of my pregnancies I placed my hand on my belly and said “Is everything okay in there?” Worrying can make you feel isolated sometimes. It may be helpful to know that many other pregnant women are concerned about the same things that you are. Here are three common … Continue reading

Preparing Pets For A New Baby

As you prepare for the arrival of your baby, it is important to make sure that others in your family are also prepared to welcome the new arrival. Pets are an important part of many families, and the arrival of a new baby is a big adjustment for them. In order to keep both the human and animal members of your household happy and safe, check out these tips for preparing your pet for a new baby. It can be helpful to think of your dog or cat as an older child who, up until now, was your only child. … Continue reading

Your Emotions At Two Months Pregnant

If you are pregnant, you are probably well aware that pregnancy can feel a lot different, emotionally, than what you are accustomed to. Even during early pregnancy, your baby’s impact on your body is not easy to see yet their impact on your emotions is hard to ignore. Here are a few of the things that you may be feeling during the second month of your pregnancy. Have you noticed that things that would not normally bother you drive you crazy now? It is perfectly normal to be more sensitive and even more irritable than you usually are. The hormonal … Continue reading

Have You Googled Yourself Into Thinking That You Are Pregnant?

Most of us can remember a time when we had a pregnancy scare. Although being pregnant is a wonderful thing much of the time, there are certain times when the thought of becoming pregnant is not very appealing and sometimes quite scary. Perhaps you were in a new relationship, or a relationship that you were beginning to feel would not work out after all. Maybe you were young and not ready for a baby yet. Perhaps you already had one or more children and did not want to increase your family size again. Whatever the situation was, you were just … Continue reading

Get Your Labor Started Naturally

If you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, you are probably wondering whether and when your labor will begin. If you are overdue, and you are nearing the date when you would be induced you may also wonder whether labor will start on its own before then. If you are interested in trying to give things a nudge in that direction, there are a few things that you can do if your prenatal health care provider says that it okay to do them. It is essential that you ask your care provider first because each pregnancy is different, and … Continue reading

What To Expect From The What To Expect Movie

If you are pregnant, there’s a good chance that you are aware that one of the most popular pregnancy books out there has been turned into a movie. “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” has helped many women (and men) to understand what goes on during pregnancy. I have read the book, and have found it to be a great resource that I referred to often during both of my pregnancies. When I heard that the book was headed for the big screen, I began to wonder how a movie about being pregnant would do in theaters. While I have … Continue reading

Introducing Pets to Newborns, Pt. 1

I am currently babysitting the newborn of a friend until the baby is old enough to go to daycare. The baby will only be at my house for six days, but this is a good opportunity to begin training my dog in how to behave around infants once the time comes for me to have a baby of my own. My dog behaved better than I feared when my friend arrived with her newborn. Our previous experiences with Chihiro at the houses of friends with babies indicated that she might constantly try licking the baby’s face, something she does with … Continue reading

TTC: Does Position Make a Difference?

“Lay on your back, prop up your behind and lay still for at least 10 minutes.” That was the advice I received when I was researching ways to improve my odds of getting pregnant right away. I’m talking about what you do after the baby dance. Oh you thought I was talking about a different kind of position? The big question is: does it matter what you do after intercourse? Will you kill your chances if you use the bathroom right away? Should you lay on your back or on your stomach? Should you use an Instead cup? Headstands anyone? … Continue reading

Fearing for Your Baby

This blog is the result of a conversation I had with a close friend the other day. She is expecting a baby in December. She told me that she always worries about the health of her babies until they are born. I realized that I tend to do the same thing. In speaking with other mommies, I realized this is a very common issue among pregnant women. I’ve worried about my babies with each pregnancy. Would they be healthy? What if the baby was stillborn? What if he or she had a condition that was incompatible with life? If the … Continue reading