Morning Sickness the Second Time Around

I’m interested to see if my experience of morning sickness will differ with the second pregnancy. According to Marylin Shannon’s book, “Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition” it seems that morning sickness should be more manageable and less severe with a healthy diet, plenty of protein, and continued regular exercise (exercise helps balance the hormones). Considering that our regular diet is much healthier than it was at the beginning of my first pregnancy, I think and hope that my morning sickness symptoms won’t be nearly as bad as the first time. We discovered we were pregnant at just four weeks. At that … Continue reading

Pregnancy Number Two

It became clear that our 18 month old needed a sibling. We had reached the point that we felt it was a good time to start trying for another baby. Largely, motivated by our son who loves “babies” and joyfully points out any baby he sees, it seemed that our son was also ready for a new baby especially since he has been practicing being a “good big brother” with a baby doll I recently found in a closet. He also had the opportunity to hold the 2 week old baby girl of a colleague and friend. He was completely … Continue reading

Hollywood Pregnancy Buzz

Hmm… where have we heard this one before? First comes the engagement confirmation, then the announcement that a baby is on the way. We just saw it with Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz and Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault (though their engagement was short lived) and now the rumor mill is buzzing about actress Uma Thurman and her new multi-millionaire fiancé Arpad Busson. The pair just announced that they plan to marry sometime next year and now reports claim that the “Kill Bill” star is pregnant with Busson’s baby. If the rumors are true the new baby would be Thurman’s … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Why Can’t You Breastfeed a Baby on a Schedule?

Question: I always hear about how you’re supposed to breastfeed on demand but I have a problem with this. First of all, I feel like the baby needs to work on my schedule, not me being a slave to the baby. Second of all, I don’t think it’s healthy for babies to “snack” like that. Doesn’t that just set them up for bad eating habits later? Thirdly, I think it spoils a baby to respond every single time they cry. And finally, if my baby is on a schedule won’t he sleep through the night better? In responding, I have … Continue reading

Considering a Second Pregnancy?

My daughter is eager for us to have another child so that she can enjoy being an older sibling. When my sister-in-law was pregnant last year, she enjoyed the experience of watching her belly expand and grow. Her favorite thing to do was to ask if she could touch her tummy and then she would sing to it. At the age of 4, I wondered if she would understand that the pregnancy was going to ultimately lead to another baby. I should never have worried about it. When she came to me with her questions about the baby and how … Continue reading

First Trimester Reflections

The first trimester brings with it an array of experiences that are neither predictable nor entirely unenjoyable. The changes aren’t always visible but the experience is certainly significant. My first trimester began without my knowledge, considering that the in the first two weeks of pregnancy a woman isn’t even pregnant yet. I was hoping to be pregnant but not expecting pregnancy to happen so soon. Once we got the positive pregnancy test, we were slightly surprised and really happy. The fourth week of pregnancy was simple, easy, and free of any negative symptoms. With week five came morning sickness. My … Continue reading


Dear family, I am a new blogger here at but not new to the site. My husband has been the fatherhood blogger for almost two years and I am excited that I will be contributing blogs about pregnancy. My hope is to share some of my pregnancy experiences, insights, challenges, and triumphs. My husband recounted his experience of the preparation we made for the birth of our son and all that followed. I’d like to recount my experience of my first pregnancy and hopefully soon blog about a second pregnancy as it progresses! I am the second oldest … Continue reading

When Will You Ovulate Again?

When you first start getting your period again after having a baby, or when you’re just getting off birth control, the big question that lays heavily on your mind is when you will start ovulating again. You may not realize, but you can get your period without ovulating. A period is not a sure sign that ovulation is happening. (Now, if you are ovulating, you must get your period unless you conceive.) For me, the answer to this question has been a big mystery. For one, it took “forever” for my cycles to come back. My son was 18 months … Continue reading

Don’t Wait Too Long

People say that babies are expensive, but the truth is, you’ll probably spend much more money on other things in your lifetime. Choosing to become a parent is one of those things you simply cannot sum up between a dollar sign and a decimal point. The gain you receive from having a child is worth more than you can imagine and the interest is compounded by the minute. Don’t worry about the sleepless nights, the spit up or the poopy diapers. Those days come and they go, and they don’t make up the substance of what is so wonderful about … Continue reading

Unwanted Advice

As soon as the word gets out that you are expecting a precious little bundle, the torrential downpour of well-meaning, sometimes misplaced or misinformed advice begins hailing down on you and your innocent journey toward motherhood. Lest you suffer needlessly, your friends and family are going to make sure you know every home remedy known to man for morning sickness, back pain, foot swelling, headaches, and hip pain. Like it or not, the crowds will comment every time they see you lift something heavier than a standard sized envelope. Don’t even think about skipping breakfast unless you want three lectures … Continue reading