The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for May 22-27

A few interesting topics were covered in the Pregnancy Blog this week. If you missed them, or just like to read the week’s blogs in one place the week in review is for you. Relax and catch up on your reading and have a wonderful, healthy pregnancy. The Tubal Ligation is an effective procedure for many women who have decided their families are complete. However, the experience isn’t always perfect. About five percent of women suffer from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. Read about this syndrome and how it is treated to make an informed decision about your reproductive future. What … Continue reading

Infertility: Taking Care of Yourself

When you are going through infertility treatments, it’s easy to neglect your health. You are so focused on treatments and running back and forth to doctor’s visits that you may neglect your health. If you have been going through infertility for an extended period of time, you may feel depressed. This can cause you to neglect yourself. It’s important to take care of yourself when you are going through infertility treatments. Take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. The time you invest in caring for yourself now will benefit your baby later. A healthy mommy increases the chances of … Continue reading

Infertility and Fitness: What’s the Connection?

Infertility is an issue that millions of couples struggle with. Fitness is not a cure for infertility, but there is a relationship between how much exercise and the type of exercise you do and a couple’s ability to conceive. Still the causes of infertility are varied and the treatments are equally varied. Exercise helps couples struggling with infertility because it can help lower their stress and boost their overall health. While it cannot resolve the infertility issues — there are some things that can help both men and women. For Men: Avoid wearing tight fitting shorts or briefs. When men … Continue reading

What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis is a condition in which the endometrial tissue, or lining of the uterus, is growing inside the muscle layer of the uterus, rather than inside. This muscular layer is called the myometrium, which is where the name of the condition originates. Adenomyosis is most common in women over the age of thirty five. The main symptoms of the condition are painful and heavy periods. The symptoms are similar to those of endometriosis, a similar but unrelated condition. In endometriosis, the uterine lining grows on the outside of the uterus and surrounding organs. However, with this condition, the pain can … Continue reading

Labor Day

I’ve observed that often every group of people imagines themselves to work harder than any other group. It might be husbands and wives, the so-called “mommy wars” between stay-at-home moms and working moms, kids who are jealous that their parents don’t have to study any more and parents who forget just how hard it is to be a kid sometimes. Sometimes it’s mothers who’ve adopted their children and mothers who’ve been pregnant and given birth to their children. I hear parents who’ve adopted their children bemoaning the paperwork, the many questions that sometimes feel intrusive, the lack of control, and … Continue reading

Waiting to Take a Pregnancy Test

When you are trying to conceive, your life feels like it revolves around your cycle. The longest time is the weeks between your fertile days and the day you can take a test. This was the hardest time for me when we were trying to conceive our first baby. The rest of the month seemed to go twice as fast as the days waiting to test. During those days my mood would routinely change from optimism about the prospect of pregnancy to feeling depressed and certain it didn’t work. Every woman that I know who has gone through infertility has … Continue reading

I’m Not Pregnant, I’m Fat

I assume when people see me they can tell I’m overweight. For this reason it blows me away when I get questioned about being pregnant. Do I really look pregnant? Can’t people tell the difference? I remember when I was very young I was at my grandma’s home. Her neighbor who was very heavy had just left for her house. I asked my grandma if the lady was pregnant. I remember her telling me she was so glad I asked then and not while the lady was standing there. She explained the lady was overweight and we should never ask … Continue reading

Maintaining Your Marriage

Infertility is devastating to most couples. The diagnosis and treatment process can take a toll on even the strongest marriages. Nothing sucks the romance out of intimacy more than trying to have a baby. Spontaneity goes out the window as intercourse becomes planned and scheduled around the best time of the month for conception. Couples need to make a real effort to keep the romance alive during the time they are trying to conceive a baby. If you get your baby, but destroy your marriage, you will have many regrets later. Although it can be hard to be spontaneous, it’s … Continue reading

The Effect of Stress on Fertility

Infertility is a major life event for nearly all couples who experience it. As the months slip by without a baby, the disappointment is devastating. The six years my husband and I spent trying to conceive our first baby remains the most stressful period of my entire life. In most cases, stress does not cause infertility or make it worse. Your mother, friends and grandmother keep telling you to relax and you’ll get pregnant. Although this is meant to be helpful, it can make you feel more stressed and even blame yourself. This is not productive and not true. If … Continue reading

When a Friend Gets Pregnant

Girls grow up rocking babies and playing mommy. We assume that when we find our man and the time is right, a baby will come. We spend years of our lives avoiding pregnancy until the right moment. Finally, you find the man of your dreams and the timing is right. You ditch the birth control and get ready to decorate that nursery. Unfortunately, for thousands of couples pregnancy is not easy to achieve. For the first few months, you may not worry. Then the months go by and you begin to get worried. The worry grows the more time passes. … Continue reading