Photos in the Delivery Room

I got a few pictures in the delivery room when my son was born, but most of them were from when we were waiting and then there were several afterward. I wish I had some more pictures of the actual delivery. I don’t necessarily want pictures of the birth itself, front and center, but I would have liked to capture the look on my husband’s face when my son first emerged, or my son’s first moments on my tummy. In the weeks following my son’s birth, I would often repeated ask my husband to describe the scene for me. I … Continue reading

Creating a Photo List for the Delivery Room

Your baby’s birth will be a whirlwind of activity. From the moment she enters the world, time will seem to speed up and she’ll grow up right before your eyes. In the first few days of life, a baby’s appearance changes dramatically. Everything from her skin tone, to the shape of her nose, to the curve of her tiny head, morphs as she recovers and adjusts to her new surroundings. After all, she was crammed in a pretty tight space for nine months; she’s bound to have some serious bedhead, among other things. In all the hustle and bustle, you’ll … Continue reading