The Music for the Work

I’m going to sort of reveal my age here, but I really don’t understand how most of the young people on college campuses can stand having terrible sounding ear buds in their ears all day pumping low quality digitized music into their ears. They listen while walking, talking, studying, reading, eating, ordering, exercising, partying, playing and some even sleeping. The small portion when they’re in class (if they actually take them out) they’re giving their ears a much-needed break. Simply put, I can’t understand how you can exist in the world with constant noise going on in your head. How … Continue reading

The Little Man and The Music

Long before our son was born he was listening to some great music. While in the womb our son was treated to audiophile headphones piping classic recordings (along with some recently released music) on vinyl records. My wife constantly spend time dancing with him to the latest pop music. He responded favorably to certain television theme songs and certainly seemed like he enjoyed and had found the beat. Music, it seems, has been a part of his life from the beginning. After he was born he’s still respond with recognition to certain songs. There is a pop music CD we … Continue reading

Creating Your Birth Music Playlist

Music has the power to soothe, to energize, motivate or distract. It can pump you up or lull you to sleep. You’ll be hard pressed to find any fitness class without a driving beat, nor a clothing store without trendy house music. Music is just as useful in the birthing room. It can help set the mood for a calm and relaxed birthing experience, and it can help a laboring mother press on when things get tough. Unless you want to be at the mercy of whatever is on the TV in your delivery room, I would suggest creating your … Continue reading

Doing the Jitterbug

This is not actually about doing the Jitterbug because I am not even sure how to do it. This concerns dancing, any kind of dancing just as long as you keep on moving to the music. You actually do not even need to have music if you have a good imagination. You can just hum along or remember the tune, as it plays in your head. Dancing is a great way to get in shape and stay in shape. It is easy. It requires no equipment. It burns calories. It burns about 340 calories in an hour. Granted, you might … Continue reading