Practical Ways to Manage Frequent Trips to the Bathroom

One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is frequent urination. Whether you are sprinting to the bathroom every half hour because of hormones (first trimester) or because of bladder pressure (third trimester), there are practical things you can do to manage the inconvenience of frequent urination. 1. Try to spread your water intake throughout the day, rather than drinking large amounts of water all at once, especially at night. This will prevent you from getting those sudden urges to run to the bathroom, since your bladder will fill slowly and gradually. 2. Avoid drinking a few hours before bed … Continue reading

Dealing With Frequent Urination

There are two times during your pregnancy you will have to deal with frequent urination. Early in your pregnancy, hormones send you to the ladies room constantly. It’s one of the early signs that cause you to ask yourself, could I be pregnant? It makes a comeback in late pregnancy when the weight of the baby presses down on your bladder, making it difficult to hold it for long. Ironically, sometimes this pressure also makes it difficult to let it out. Don’t feel bad if you relieve yourself, only to find yourself with a little “leak issue” a few moments … Continue reading

A Day In The Life Of A Pregnant Woman

1am – Wake up, search for the body pillow that fell to the floor. Spend five minutes getting comfortable. Drift back to sleep. 1:06am – Your eyes fly open. You run to the bathroom. 2:30am – Wake up to carefully roll over and adjust the pillow between your knees. 6:15am – You realize you cannot lay in bed another minute because your back is aching. Even if your back didn’t hurt, your bladder is about to explode. 6:30am – While reaching for the bag of coffee beans, you remember you kicked the caffeine habit and begrudgingly reach for the apple … Continue reading

Preventing Incontinence

Incontinence is no laughing matter — especially if laughing, sneezing, or coughing makes you leak urine! That’s known as stress incontinence, and is one of several types of incontinence. I don’t think there’s anyone out there who really wants to have trouble controlling their bladder! Here are some tips to help prevent the problem before it starts. Maintain a healthy weight for your height and frame. Extra pounds can put extra pressure on the bladder. Exercise regularly — all over. Exercise can help prevent weight from becoming a problem… and it can help keep your muscles toned. Muscle weakness is … Continue reading

Protein in Your Urine Sample

Every time you visit the doctor during pregnancy, you’ll be asked to give a routine urine sample. The doctor is testing the urine for bladder or kidney infections, diabetes, dehydration and preeclampsia. Specifically, the urine is tested for high levels of sugars, proteins, ketones and bacteria. If protein is found in the urine, it’s possible there is a problem with your kidneys. Most commonly, an infection is present. Later in pregnancy, however, it can be an indication of preeclampsia. Combined with water retention and high blood pressure, protein in the urine can lead to a diagnosis of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is … Continue reading