Dealing With A Difficult Ex

So many people have to deal with a difficult ex spouse. I’m sure none of us are the difficult ex spouse, no matter what he may say! Sometimes for reasons unknown to most rational people, an ex spouse will try to interfere with your new marriage, or manipulate you using your children, or personally attack you. What can you do that will not cause the problem to escalate? Due to the fact that you have children with this person, you need to tread lightly, just as what he does affects the children, how you respond affects them as well. The … Continue reading

Dealing with Taxes When You Work from Home

I always say it takes a disciplined person to work from home. But that applies not only to the work; it also applies to setting aside taxes. I am an independent contractor for a web content company; therefore, my taxes are not automatically taken out from my paycheck. If I’m not disciplined to take out the money, I can easily find myself in a deep hole. Now there is a difference between someone who is self-employed and an independent contractor. The IRS can help you determine which one you fall under. This year I did a little better job with … Continue reading

Hip Pain and Sleep

I had the worst hip pain during my pregnancy. It got so bad, that at one point, I couldn’t leave the house. Whenever I walked, I could hear this clicking sound that felt like it was coming from the center of my pelvic bones. It was really hard to cope. The worst part about it was trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. It was nearly impossible. I finally found a few tricks that helped alleviate the pain enough to get some rest. The first trick I tried, which worked until I got too big to maneuver the … Continue reading

Teaching Teens About Friendships

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about teenage cliques and how painful they can be. That blog was spurred by my daughter not getting invited to a birthday party. At the time I encouraged her to ask her friend about it. I really didn’t want her to assume the worst but she did. Just a couple of days ago she announced that she was no longer mad at her friend. As it turned out, she had the invitation but kept forgetting to give it to my daughter. In her world everything was fine again. It bothered me, however. One … Continue reading

Dealing With Aches and Pains

Aches and pains are pretty common during pregnancy. They are so common that it’s unusual if you don’t have them. Headaches, backaches and sore hips and joints pretty much come with the territory. The tricky part is dealing with the pain in such a way that will not present any risk to the baby. You may have popped two or three Ibuprofen before you were pregnant, but it’s no longer so simple. While some over the counter pain relievers, such as Acetaminophen, are perfectly safe during pregnancy, other common pain killers, like Aspirin, should be avoided. For those who want … Continue reading

Marriage Means Dealing with the Unexpected

Marriage often means dealing with the unexpected. This is what has happened to us and why I didn’t get to post a marriage blog yesterday. Mick and I have spent the last couple of days and most of Monday night at the hospital. No it wasn’t me, his time but him. On Sunday morning early Mick’s leg started to be painful. By the time we came home from church he could barely walk to the car. He rested up that day. When it was worse on Monday, I took him to the doctors. That started a whole cycle with him … Continue reading

Dependent Personality Disorder: Difficulties in Relationships

Apart from the pain and anxiety that a sufferer of Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) suffers on a daily basis, there are also considerable interpersonal problems that accompany this disorder. For family and friends, there is a constant need for reassurance and approval required that can lead to frustration and even rejection of the sufferer. Rejection by others is greatly feared by sufferers; ironically it is their need for support and constant reassurance that either causes arguments or actually drives people away. Both are fearful results for the sufferer. The constant changing of the mind and continual requests for advice are … Continue reading

Dealing With The Death Of Parents

Beth’s blog about parents and death prompted me to write about my experience. My father died when I was 16. It was sudden and left Mom and me reeling with shock. I didn’t have brothers and sisters to turn to but Mom and I had each other. My mother died when I was in my 30s. Hers was a battle with cancer that went on over a few years. Like Courtney, I pretty well put my life on hold. I dropped out of bible study, church and everything else I’d been involved in,but continued to read my Bible and pray … Continue reading

Dealing with Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain is one of the more uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy. The pain is easy to identify. Sciatic nerve pain is a severe, shooting pain that is felt from the top of the thigh down throughout the leg. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. The nerve provides the sense of feeling to the back of the legs and soles of the feet. When the pain is felt, it generally starts at the top of the leg and moves down to the foot. During pregnancy, the sciatic nerve goes under the uterus and to the … Continue reading

Dealing With Driving Pains

Within the next month or so, I plan to be taking a cross-country drive. I’m relocating from east coast U.S.A. to west coast U.S.A. with my two dogs, Moose and Lally, and after considering all the options, we’re going to be doing it by car. In theory, I’ll leave New Jersey on a Monday and be in Oregon by Friday. According to the AAA website, the journey will take me a little over 42 hours. Splitting it up over five days gives me a little more than eight hours of driving time each day. Yikes! Driving is gonna be my … Continue reading