I Hate Migraines

For most of my life I have suffered from migraines. They were particularly bad when I was a teenager. Throughout my early 20s, I suffered maybe 1 or 2 at most. I thought I was in the clear – perhaps in some small way I had actually managed to outgrow this annoying and painful affliction. During my pregnancy, I had the first migraine in over 7 years. It was brutal and exhausting. In the six and a half years since my daughter was born, I get a migraine or two a year. Migraine Pain Unless you’ve ever had a migraine, … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for June 4-12

Pregnancy is a busy time. The days pass quickly as you prepare your home for the arrival of your new baby. The pregnancy blog week in review is a great way to catch up on your reading all in one place. Read the synopsis and click on the articles that are relevant or interesting to you. Feel free to leave a comment or suggest topics for future blogs. I’m always open to suggestions. Many couples choose a permanent method of birth control when they feel they are finished having children. For most couples, the decision is a good one and … Continue reading

Dealing with Migraines in Pregnancy

Whether you have suffered with migraines for years or only began having them during pregnancy, the pain can be difficult to deal with. Some women find that their migraines get worse when they become pregnant, while others experience fewer and less severe headaches. Still other women experience their first migraine during pregnancy. Migraines are not like other headaches. These are caused by the blood vessels in the brain dilating. The pain of a migraine is different from other types of headaches. The pain starts out as a dull ache, which gradually becomes a constant, throbbing pain. Nausea, vomiting and seeing … Continue reading