Pregnancy Stages: The Third Trimester

Once you’ve reached the third trimester, you’re in the home stretch. The third trimester of pregnancy begins in the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy and ends when the baby is born. Although your doctor or midwife has given you a due date, this is really just an estimate. The baby can come any time from thirty-eight to forty-two weeks. This is a busy time for most expectant parents, as you are preparing for baby’s arrival. Some women have a baby shower, especially if it’s the first baby. Childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, decorating the baby’s room and shopping take up more time … Continue reading

Pregnancy Stages: The Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy includes weeks thirteen through twenty-four. You will begin to show during this time and most women start wearing maternity clothes at some time during the second trimester. You will become more aware of the baby’s presence and feel movement at some time during these weeks. This varies widely among women, so don’t get stuck on an exact week to feel the movement. Many women find the symptoms of pregnancy subside somewhat in the second trimester. Some report this trimester is the most comfortable, since morning sickness has generally ended. Also, while the stomach is expanding, … Continue reading

Nausea in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Nausea and “morning sickness” is often associated with the first trimester of pregnancy. For some women, this can really interfere with daily life and is just plain miserable. However the problem isn’t confined to the first trimester, nausea is also fairly common in the third trimester. In the late stages of pregnancy, nausea is common after eating. There are a few potential causes of nausea in the third trimester. Hormonal changes occur throughout pregnancy. They can get you in the first trimester, as is so common, or can happen later in the pregnancy as levels continue to fluctuate. Nausea after … Continue reading

Practical Ways to Manage Frequent Trips to the Bathroom

One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is frequent urination. Whether you are sprinting to the bathroom every half hour because of hormones (first trimester) or because of bladder pressure (third trimester), there are practical things you can do to manage the inconvenience of frequent urination. 1. Try to spread your water intake throughout the day, rather than drinking large amounts of water all at once, especially at night. This will prevent you from getting those sudden urges to run to the bathroom, since your bladder will fill slowly and gradually. 2. Avoid drinking a few hours before bed … Continue reading

Time Goes By So Slowly

As my son’s first birthday approaches and I look back on my first pregnancy, the whole nine months, in memory at least, feels like nothing more than a blip on the radar screen. In the final weeks, I recall feeling like I had been “pregnant forever.” I remember actually saying that on more than one occasion. It seemed to last indefinitely when I was waiting for it to end. A year has faded the memory a great deal, but all it takes is a glance at past blog entries I wrote during my pregnancy to remember how much it dragged … Continue reading

Benefits of Pilates in Pregnancy

Pilates is a good choice for prenatal exercise. Pilates strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and back. This can help prepare your body for labor. In addition, you may find you feel better and experience fewer discomforts after starting a Pilates class. Pilates offers several benefits and is generally safe for a healthy pregnant woman. However, each pregnancy is different and presents its own unique challenges. For this reason, you should speak to your doctor before beginning any new exercise program, and this includes Pilates. In some cases, doctors may recommend waiting until after the first trimester, if you … Continue reading

Pregnant Women Should Have Thyroid Checked

As if pregnant women weren’t subject to enough tests during pregnancy, one more may soon be added to the line up. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists is recommending that all pregnant women be checked for low thyroid levels as part of comprehensive prenatal care. The reason for the recommendation is studies which suggest potential danger to pregnant women and their infants from undiagnosed low thyroid problems. The condition, called hypothyroidism, is not uncommon. Approximately five percent of women who are tested during pregnancy are found to have hypothyroidism. There is evidence to suggest this figure may actually be higher … Continue reading

Thrush in Pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience thrush during pregnancy. Thrush is also known as a yeast infection. If you have never experienced this before, the symptoms include redness, itching and white patches on the affected area. Pregnant women generally experience thrush in the vagina, but it can grow in the mouth as well. There are a few things that are known to contribute to thrush. One is the use of antibiotics. These medications save lives, but are being over used in our society. The antibiotic kills the natural defense we have to candida, which is yeast or thrush. The absence of this … Continue reading

The Benefits of Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that many people find helpful for a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture has specific benefits during pregnancy as well. Practitioners believe that pain and illness are the result of an imbalance of energy known as qi or chi. In the first trimester, complaints such as morning sickness, fatigue and headaches are common. If the physical symptoms weren’t enough, the expectant mother also has to deal with emotional changes and mood swings. Acupuncture has benefits for all these early pregnancy discomforts. The procedure increases the feeling of well being while relieving the physical discomforts. … Continue reading

Recurrent Headaches in Pregnancy

Headaches are not uncommon during pregnancy. Some women suffer from the occasional headache or are bothered at one point in pregnancy. A more disruptive problem is recurrent headaches. For some women headaches occur for weeks or even months at a time. Women who have experienced migraine headaches in the past may find the headaches subside during pregnancy. Others have more frequent migraines later in pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. Still others experience headaches for the first time during pregnancy. These are generally not migraines, although it is possible. If you experience recurrent headaches, mention it to your doctor at … Continue reading