Pregnancy Stages: The Third Trimester

Once you’ve reached the third trimester, you’re in the home stretch. The third trimester of pregnancy begins in the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy and ends when the baby is born. Although your doctor or midwife has given you a due date, this is really just an estimate. The baby can come any time from thirty-eight to forty-two weeks. This is a busy time for most expectant parents, as you are preparing for baby’s arrival. Some women have a baby shower, especially if it’s the first baby. Childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, decorating the baby’s room and shopping take up more time … Continue reading

Pregnancy Stages: The Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy includes weeks thirteen through twenty-four. You will begin to show during this time and most women start wearing maternity clothes at some time during the second trimester. You will become more aware of the baby’s presence and feel movement at some time during these weeks. This varies widely among women, so don’t get stuck on an exact week to feel the movement. Many women find the symptoms of pregnancy subside somewhat in the second trimester. Some report this trimester is the most comfortable, since morning sickness has generally ended. Also, while the stomach is expanding, … Continue reading

Nausea in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Nausea and “morning sickness” is often associated with the first trimester of pregnancy. For some women, this can really interfere with daily life and is just plain miserable. However the problem isn’t confined to the first trimester, nausea is also fairly common in the third trimester. In the late stages of pregnancy, nausea is common after eating. There are a few potential causes of nausea in the third trimester. Hormonal changes occur throughout pregnancy. They can get you in the first trimester, as is so common, or can happen later in the pregnancy as levels continue to fluctuate. Nausea after … Continue reading

Week Twenty Eight

The weeks are starting to fly by now. At twenty eight weeks, I am officially in my third trimester! With twelve weeks to go, I am feeling anxious for the birth of our daughter while also feeling the need to “cling” to my pregnancy. I only have twelve more weeks to enjoy this pregnancy and I know that I will be holding my baby girl before I know it. My mind is in planning stage especially for the holidays. I have Thanksgiving and Christmas on my mind as I am trying to plan pie baking, Christmas shopping and gift making, … Continue reading

Practical Ways to Manage Frequent Trips to the Bathroom

One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is frequent urination. Whether you are sprinting to the bathroom every half hour because of hormones (first trimester) or because of bladder pressure (third trimester), there are practical things you can do to manage the inconvenience of frequent urination. 1. Try to spread your water intake throughout the day, rather than drinking large amounts of water all at once, especially at night. This will prevent you from getting those sudden urges to run to the bathroom, since your bladder will fill slowly and gradually. 2. Avoid drinking a few hours before bed … Continue reading

Time Goes By So Slowly

As my son’s first birthday approaches and I look back on my first pregnancy, the whole nine months, in memory at least, feels like nothing more than a blip on the radar screen. In the final weeks, I recall feeling like I had been “pregnant forever.” I remember actually saying that on more than one occasion. It seemed to last indefinitely when I was waiting for it to end. A year has faded the memory a great deal, but all it takes is a glance at past blog entries I wrote during my pregnancy to remember how much it dragged … Continue reading

Dealing with Night Sweats

Some women will experience night sweats at some point during pregnancy. The degree of sweating can vary from very mild and occasional sweating to more severe sweats. Night sweats are similar to hot flashes that are experienced later as menopause approaches. The cause is the same as well, hormonal changes. Specifically changes in estrogen levels can interfere with the normal heating and cooling of the body. The heat and temperature of the body is regulated by the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases body heat when it is hot and keeps in heat when it is cold outside. This explains why people … Continue reading

Dealing with Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is common in pregnancy, as the baby grows. The pelvis joint expands throughout the third trimester as the body prepares for child birth. This expansion combined with the weight of the baby is responsible for pelvic pain during pregnancy. This is one of the discomforts in pregnancy that won’t completely go away until after the baby is born. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to deal with the pain and get some relief. Try one or a combination of these methods to relieve pelvic pain. Pregnant women often find pelvic pain increases when they … Continue reading

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy

Carpal tunnel syndrome is named for a tunnel like structure that runs through the bones of the wrists. A nerve also runs through that tunnel. When this median nerve becomes compressed, carpal tunnel syndrome is the result. This syndrome is common in people who work in computer related fields, such as programming or data processing. It also tends to be more common in pregnant women. The excess fluid and increase in swelling may contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Fluid and swelling increase the pressure in the carpal tunnel. This increases the pressure and causes the median nerve to become compressed. … Continue reading

Dealing with Rib Pain

Rib pain is common in the third trimester of pregnancy. I experienced severe rib pain with my son and it was very difficult to deal with at times. In my experience, it was one of the most painful side effects of any of my four pregnancies. The cause of rib pain is the baby growing and the uterus moving up toward the rib cage. This causes the ribs to become compressed. The result is tenderness or pain in the ribs. The pain can occur on either side of the body, or both sides at once. Many women find that if … Continue reading