Credit Card Skimmers

I don’t understand crime. I know that people can reach a desperation point and take things that aren’t theirs because they can’t fill their needs legitimately. I cannot and will not condone it at all. I don’t think I’d be like Javert, but Jean Valjean still should not have stolen that loaf of bread. I read a piece in the paper where the writer said she understood how a woman could steal a baby. The tone of the article was almost forgiving. I couldn’t believe it. I will not carry a successful pregnancy. I miscarried twice and went through years … Continue reading

Enjoy the Quiet Now

In the midst of all the preparations for having your first child, I think something many of us moms overlook is making sure we take advantage of the time we have left being a childless couple. It’s hard to imagine how your life will change once you become parents. Beyond the shift in priorities and the budget to accommodate our little ones, there are other changes to consider. Hormones and fatigue can drastically change how we spend our free time. Instead of spending quality time together we often end up choosing to sleep instead. Sometimes housework takes up more time, … Continue reading

Quiz: Life Before and After a Child

Once you have your first child, your life will change dramatically. You’ll redefine the words busy and tired. Sleeping in might become something you have to bribe your spouse to experience. You’ll mark every week of your child’s life and forget your own birthday. Whether these changes seem good or bad depends on your perspective, but the change is inevitable. It might be fun to record just how different life becomes once your bundle of joy makes her grand entrance. Take this quiz now, while you are pregnant (or hoping to be), and then take it again a few months … Continue reading