Understanding Morning Sickness

If you are experiencing morning sickness (or afternoon sickness, evening sickness, or even all day sickness) as part of your pregnancy you may be wondering why. You may also be wondering who it happens to, when it will end, and whether there is anything you can do about it. Here are a few basics to help you understand and cope with the mystery that is morning sickness. Why do pregnant women get morning sickness? There is no definitive answer to this question, but it has been studied and a number of possible causes have been identified. The hormonal changes of … Continue reading

Morning Sickness the Second Time Around

I’m interested to see if my experience of morning sickness will differ with the second pregnancy. According to Marylin Shannon’s book, “Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition” it seems that morning sickness should be more manageable and less severe with a healthy diet, plenty of protein, and continued regular exercise (exercise helps balance the hormones). Considering that our regular diet is much healthier than it was at the beginning of my first pregnancy, I think and hope that my morning sickness symptoms won’t be nearly as bad as the first time. We discovered we were pregnant at just four weeks. At that … Continue reading

A Tale of Morning Sickness

Morning sickness only lasted ten weeks for me. In retrospect, that doesn’t seem so bad, but at the time, it seemed like forever. I think my morning sickness days were pretty unvaried, but I recall one day during my first trimester that was very different. One of the most exciting or rather scary morning sickness moments occurred one cold Saturday morning. I was taking a shower. I remember there was lots of steam and that I was going through my routine of vomiting and dry heaving. All of a sudden my pupils dilated and everything got really bright. I sat … Continue reading

Drink a High Protein Fruit Smoothie to Fight Morning Sickness

It can be hard to stomach breakfast when you are pregnant if you are suffering from morning sickness. The last thing you feel like doing is eating. Ironically, eating is the best thing for your morning sickness, provided you eat the right types of food. It used to be that experts always suggested saltine crackers or something similar, and some still do, but recently it has been found that foods high in protein tend to have a bigger impact on morning sickness than foods high in carbohydrates. Many women have good luck with eating fruit as well, so an easy … Continue reading

Tips for Alleviating Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can dampen the joys of finding out you are expecting. Morning sickness, like most pregnancy symptoms, is caused by the increase of hormones in your body, particularly estrogen. You may feel mild to severe nausea, with or without bouts of vomiting. The nausea is not necessarily limited to the morning. Many pregnant women experience morning sickness throughout the day. Some women suffer from morning sickness for a few weeks or months, while others find themselves suffering for the duration of their pregnancy. If you are expecting twins, you may experience more severe morning sickness, due to increased hormone … Continue reading

Hypnosis for Morning Sickness

Morning sickness affects many pregnant women. If you suffer with nausea every morning, you have likely tried a variety of home remedies to ease the queasiness. Some women are finding relief from their symptoms through hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural method for treating morning sickness. You aren’t ingesting anything that can cross the placenta. It’s completely safe for the baby. Anti nausea medications are sometimes given in extreme cases of morning sickness, but it’s best to avoid them if possible. It works by putting you in a deep state of relaxation. When you are in the relaxed state, your mind … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Morning Sickness

So what is morning sickness really like for pregnant women? It can be different for any given woman. In fact, some women don’t seem to experience it at all, while others are so affected that they are hospitalized. You may be surprised to know that many doctors consider morning sickness a sign of a normal pregnancy. It is said that it’s nature’s way of keeping a woman away from foods that are potentially harmful to a vulnerable fetus. I have a close friend who did not have morning sickness at all for her pregnancy, and even mentioned that her doctor … Continue reading

How Did You Know?

Some women claim that they knew that they were pregnant at the precise moment that conception occurred. I am not one of them. With both of my pregnancies, I was none the wiser until almost two months along. With my first pregnancy, I first became suspicious when my husband and I went out to breakfast one day. I love the taste of coffee, but on that day I thought that my coffee tasted absolutely revolting. I asked my husband whether his coffee tasted funny and he said that it did not. Discussion turned to why I was all of a … Continue reading

How Daylight Savings Affects Animals

If you’re eating early, why can’t I? This coming weekend is unpopular for many people across the country: spring daylight savings time. We’re about to lose an hour of sleep, though at least we have Sunday to recover (my condolences to anyone who does have to get up early for any reason). For most of us that lack of sleep just makes us grumpy during the day; unless we have our whole lives scheduled down to the exact hour or minute, it doesn’t have much impact. Our pets, however, might feel the daylight savings shift more strongly than us. Pay … Continue reading

Special Needs Podcast Roundup – Week of January 16, 2012

The Special Needs Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that parents of kids who have special needs would find relevant. This week, I bring you information about ADHD and diet, insight into respecting autism, tips to help with problem behaviors, schools that are making kids sick, and advice for eating gluten-free. NPR released an episode of “Morning Edition” on January 9, 2012. This episode is called “For Kids With ADHD, Some Foods May Complement Treatment”. The episode points out that while some foods seem to be helpful, it is better to cut back on certain other foods. … Continue reading