Wow, That Was Embarrassing! II

This week I am sharing some embarrassing stories from my own pregnancy. If you missed yesterday’s story, you can find it here. Early in my pregnancy, as I was growing a little pooch, I found it harder and harder to wear pants because the waistline would dig right into my stomach. So, to make myself a little more comfortable at work, I would unbutton my top button while sitting at my desk. I was working in a little cubicle with an L-shaped desk, so even if someone came by to talk to me, they couldn’t see my pants or that … Continue reading

Wow, That Was Embarrassing!

To lighten things up here on the pregnancy blog, I am going to entertain you this week with a few embarrassing stories from my own pregnancy. When I was about six months pregnant, visibly showing and right in the throes of pregnancy and all of its embarrassing glory, I was invited to a girls’ night with a group of friends. It was the Christmas season, so in the true spirit of the holidays and girls’ night, we were baking Christmas cookies. Of course, since I was pregnant, I had no shame about indulging in some of the cookie dough or … Continue reading

Embarrassing Pregnancy Symptoms

If there is anything in life that will redefine “humility,” it’s pregnancy. Not only do you develop a tolerance for needles, you also learn how to take a multitude of embarrassing moments in stride. It’s just part of the territory. Here are some of my top embarrassing moments and symptoms I experienced during my pregnancy. Fuzzy Wuzzy Some women have no problem lifting their shirt to reveal a blossoming baby belly for all to see. Some women are a little hesitant to show off their stretch marks. I had a different reason to keep my shirt tucked: hair! The oddest … Continue reading

What’s With The Dark Hair On My Belly?

Last night I was talking to a friend of mine who is expecting. She was feeling a little self-conscious about the appearance of her growing baby bump. As soon as I saw what she was worried about, I assured her that it happened to me when I was pregnant as well. In fact, it happens to a majority of pregnant women. Like stretch marks, it can seem to appear overnight. One day, your stomach looks totally normal, and then all of a sudden, you wake up one morning and it’s covered in long, dark hair. Gone are the days of … Continue reading

Spacial Memory Loss in Pregnant Women (I Told You So)

Nearly two months ago I blogged about a study conducted in Australia that claimed “baby brain,” or the memory loss many pregnant women claim to experience, is all in our heads. I believe my response was, “They are nuts!” If you read my story about getting lost in my own town, you’d understand why. Well now there is another study that comes from the University of Bradford that links pregnancy hormones to spacial memory loss, (think, “where did I leave my keys?” or “how do I get home from here?”) This is almost as confusing as the contradictory research about … Continue reading

What a Navel Idea!

I am thinking about belly buttons tonight: specifically, belly buttons and their unique relationship with pregnancy. Our navels go through so much during pregnancy. They are stretched, flattened, and turned inside out to the point that some of them never fully recover. Ever since I had my son, my belly button looks sad. The section of skin above the belly button (the part that is often pierced) droops slightly over my “innie” like a frown. I laugh at it, actually. It is just one of my “mommy badges” that I carry proudly. You probably never gave your belly button much … Continue reading

I Don’t Believe “Baby Brain” Was All In My Head

A research study conducted at the Australian National University claims that “baby brain,” or forgetfulness attributed to pregnancy, is all in a woman’s head. I know what you’re thinking, because I’m thinking it, too. They are nuts!! Clearly none of the researchers have ever been pregnant. I think I’ve told you this story before, but I’ll recount it again for those of you who missed it the first time. In my first trimester I drove to the library to check out a few books about childbirth and pregnancy. This particular branch of the library was a block or two away … Continue reading


It’s an embarrassing thing to talk about, but if you have occasional or ongoing trouble controlling your bladder, you’re not alone. There are different types of incontinence, including: Stress incontinence: when pressure on the bladder — like from a sneeze, or laughing — makes you leak a little. This type is common in women, especially those who have had children. Urge incontinence: when spasms in the bladder create the urge to piddle. Overflow incontinence: when the bladder fills up without signaling a need to use the bathroom. Mixed incontinence: when a combination of factors are at play. So what causes … Continue reading

Your Guide to Belly Changes

Most of the visible changes during pregnancy all happen around your midsection. Some changes (a growing bump) are more welcome than others (stretch marks), but all of them fade after birth or disappear all together. If you’re looking for information about the changes you’re seeing, this is the place to look! I’ve gathered some of the best Families blogs on the topic. In no particular order… Stretch Marks Pattie Hughes gives you the scoop on all things related to stretch marks. Check out the links below! What Causes Stretch Marks?: What are stretch marks and how do they get there … Continue reading