The Link Between Recurrent Miscarrage and Obesity

Researchers in the UK have determined a link between obesity and recurrent miscarriage. The study was conducted at St. Mary’s Hospital in London and published in the British Journal of Medicine. Researchers followed a group of women who had suffered at least one miscarriage in the past ten years. The women were followed during their next pregnancy for this study. The women were divided into groups for the study: underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. To determine obesity, the weight of the participants and their body mass index were used. The body mass index is a measure that uses the … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for August 5-12

The Pregnancy Blog is a great source of information for everything from trying to conceive a baby up to the birth and the early postpartum period. Whether this is your first or fifth baby, you will find something interesting or new in our archives. The Week in Review offers a synopsis of the blogs posted this week. If you are pregnant, you may have heard that you shouldn’t change the litter box. You may be wondering exactly why this is harmful. What is Toxoplasmosis? answers questions about this infection and how to avoid coming in contact with it. Morning sickness … Continue reading

Exercise and Trying to Conceive

When I was trying to conceive, I worried about the safety of exercise. I would exercise in the first half of each cycle and stop after ovulation. I imagined the exercise shaking the baby loose. It turns out; this is a common worry among women trying to conceive a baby. In general, it is safe to continue your exercise routine if you are fit and exercise regularly. If you haven’t worked out in the past, but really want to get started, visit your doctor first. Have a physical done to ensure you are in good health and can handle physical … Continue reading

Communicating With Your Child’s Teacher

Some parents barely know the name of their child’s teacher, let alone their phone number of email address. Then, there’s an entire camp of moms and dads who have their child’s teacher on speed dial. Which are you? My daughter has only been in school for a year-and-a-half. She’s had one teacher who winced every time a parent stepped into her classroom. Seriously; the woman would have been overjoyed if the students in her classroom were immaculately conceived by robots, so she wouldn’t have to deal with questions and concerns from parents. As for communicating, well, let’s just say it … Continue reading

Finding a Midwife

We had decided to go with a midwife shortly before we starting trying to conceive. After reading “A Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth” by Henci Goer and several other similar books, I started looking for midwives in our area and there weren’t any! The closest midwives were at least two hours away. So I called them up and we took a day to visit them (they were 20 minutes from each other). Talking to the different midwives was a great experience. They answered all my questions and I really felt prepared to go with either of the two … Continue reading

The Woes of Nonconception

We were ready! I had done my research! I had read countless books, starting taking Folic Acid, found a prenatal workout, began to improve my diet, interviewed midwives, and even bought my first maternity shirt. We had decided five months earlier that we would start trying in four or five months. It was time! If we could get pregnant within the next three months we would have our baby in March, April, or May, which would give us time with our baby before the new school year. God had other plans! It never occurred to me that we would have … Continue reading

Get Your Body Ready

If you are trying to conceive, then you are probably wondering what, if anything can you do to optimize your chances of having a happy, healthy, safe pregnancy. Getting your body ready is a great start. I never realized how much pregnancy and childbirth truly does change a woman’s body until I had two kids. Now, I know that it affects the woman’s body both during pregnancy and after. Unfortunately, some negative changes are permanent, but getting your body in the best shape possible before pregnancy is the best way to bounce back after the baby arrives. Here are a … Continue reading

Returning Fertility

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research about returning fertility. It is such an interesting topic and you will find many different conflicting opinions on the subject, especially when it has to do with moms who are still nursing their babies or toddlers. Some will insist that a mother must wean in order to conceive again. Others, especially those who strongly promote breastfeeding, insist that weaning is unnecessary and fertility will return when the body is ready. I also came across a third point of view, which has nothing to do with breastfeeding or weaning, and more to do … Continue reading

Caffeine Alternatives for Pregnant Women

Whether or not a pregnant woman should consume caffeine, particularly in her first trimester, is up for debate. Most doctors will tell you that one cup of coffee a day is just fine. But if you are one of those women who say “better safe than sorry,” you might be struggling with giving up your daily buzz. It’s hard to give up caffeine when your body is used to it. Personally I think it’s easier to do before you are pregnant, while you are trying to conceive, that way you can slowly wean yourself off. Once your body gets used … Continue reading

Quitting Smoking While Pregnant

We all know smoking is bad for your health, but when you are pregnant, this bad habit is not only hurting you, but your baby as well. The American Lung Association reports that babies of smokers account for up to 30% of low-birth weight babies, 14% of preterm deliveries, and 10% of all infant deaths. Ideally, you should quit smoking before you conceive. If you become pregnant by accident, or do not realize you are pregnant right away, you should make every effort to quit as soon as possible. Whatever method you choose to quit smoking, you should have completely … Continue reading