Is Your Daughter Afraid of Spiders?

The word “scared” doesn’t even come close to describing my preschool daughter’s fear of spiders. “Petrified,” “terror-stricken,” and “alarmed” don’t do her anxiety justice either. It’s nearly impossible to describe in a single word what happens when my otherwise fearless daughter catches sight of eight long black legs scuttling across the floor. Simply put, she freaks out. She screams as though someone was ripping out her hair with his or her bare hands. She can’t (or won’t) run away because she is paralyzed with fear, and she has a hard time uttering anything more than “sp-sp-sp-sp-iiiiiiiiiiiii-DER!” in between huge gasps … Continue reading

Feeling Baby’s Hiccups

During my first three pregnancies, I would hear mothers to be talking about baby’s hiccups. They talked about feeling the baby hiccup. I never felt it. Not even once in three pregnancies. I looked for it too, but it just never happened. I first felt a baby hiccup when I was pregnant with our son. Before I felt our baby hiccup, I wondered if I had just missed it with the three girls. Somehow, I doubted it. I usually feel every movement and am pretty conscious of their movements. When I felt our son hiccup, I knew I had never … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review May 1-May 6

Another week has come and gone. The time flies when you are busy growing a healthy baby. Sit back, relax and catch up on The Pregnancy Blog. There’s a lot of great information here about pregnancy, fertility, birth and the post partum period. Forgetfulness is a common issue in pregnancy. Read about it in I’m Pregnant: Why Can’t I Remember Anything? There are some things you can do to deal with forgetfulness during your pregnancy. Becoming a parent changes every aspect of your life. These changes begin in pregnancy and continue for the rest of your life. Read about the … Continue reading

Fearing for Your Baby

This blog is the result of a conversation I had with a close friend the other day. She is expecting a baby in December. She told me that she always worries about the health of her babies until they are born. I realized that I tend to do the same thing. In speaking with other mommies, I realized this is a very common issue among pregnant women. I’ve worried about my babies with each pregnancy. Would they be healthy? What if the baby was stillborn? What if he or she had a condition that was incompatible with life? If the … Continue reading

Special Moms of Special Kids

Mother’s Day is a good time to do a shout-out to all the moms of children who have special needs. Parenting can be difficult, and it can also be rewarding. It has been said that parents of kids who have special needs have a more extreme version of parenting. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! Let’s face it: moms do a lot! This is not to say that dads don’t contribute, because they do. Often, though it is the mothers who take on the biggest part of parenting. A study found that parents of children who have autism face … Continue reading

Adoption Books with Great Art: You Are Special, You Were Chosen

You Are Special; You Were Chosen is a sweet little book which grew out of the bedtime story that the author’s father read to her each night. Its soft, detailed colored pencil/pastel illustrations definitely qualify it for my Adoption Books with Great Art series. The lovely pictures show diverse children and families, including siblings of different races, which I really appreciate, as that is something I have a hard time finding. Books featuring a multiracial classroom are becoming common, as are books featuring families of color—but multiracial families are still difficult to find. I almost bought a book the other … Continue reading

Preterm Birth and Post Partum Depression

Post Partum Depression is a condition that affects many new mothers. It appears that mothers of preterm infants may be at increased risk of suffering depression after baby arrives. A study conducted at The State University of New York at Buffalo and published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology looked at the association between preterm birth, low birth weight and post partum depression. The study found the strongest correlation in baby’s born with low birth weight and post partum depression in their mothers. The additional stress caused by having a baby early combined with medical issues compound feelings … Continue reading

Book review: The Handle and the Key

Seldom do we find books written from the perspective of a foster child. In The Handle and the Key, one of the few adoption books for children in between the picture book stage and the teen novel stage, John Neufeld manages to get inside the head of the young boy, Dan, who is being adopted. He shows us little things, like Dan not knowing what is meant when other boys ask him to play “tag”. Indeed Dan is not sure what to do when told to “play” at all. In his previous foster homes he had to work. He longs … Continue reading

Groups at Risk for Post Partum Depression

Certain groups of women may be at increased risk of developing post partum depression after the birth of their babies. Recent studies have shown a higher rate of post partum depression among African American and low income women. A study at the University of Iowa included over 4,000 women, all of whom had a baby in the previous four months. When race was compared, researchers found the incidence of post partum depression was higher among African American mothers compared to Caucasian mothers. The study found that Latina mothers had a lower rate of post partum depression than either African American … Continue reading

A Change in Thinking about Induction?

It appears that some doctors and hospitals are having a change of heart regarding inductions. Over the past decade, the rate of inductions has been steadily increasing. The number of inductions doubled between the years of 1990 and 2004, the last year of available statistics. In many hospitals, the number is on the decline now. Inductions have become so popular that doctors were doing them upon request. In some cases, the woman requested the induction for a particular birthday, such as January 1, 2000 or July 7, 2007. In other cases, the woman may just be anxious to have the … Continue reading