Fertility and Doing the Pregnancy Limbo

When you struggling to get pregnant, you may find that you are more than willing to throw $10 after $10 to purchase a home pregnancy test in order to find out if maybe, just maybe this time – you are pregnant. In fact, when I went through this the first time, I hated it. Now, having attempted to get pregnant for a while, I’ve literally begun to master ignoring this time period because otherwise I would drive myself nuts. The trouble is – even as efficient as the modern day pregnancy test is – it still needs ten to twelve … Continue reading

What Happened to My Patience?

I am so frustrated tonight. It has been about eight months since we started trying to get pregnant with our second child and I received definite confirmation this morning that we were unsuccessful yet again. Isn’t it so hard to wait for pregnancy? I was so fortunate with my first in that it only took us two months. I have some friends who tried for years to get pregnant. What I have learned though, that it is hard to wait when you’ve been trying for two months or twenty four. When you decide you want to have a baby (or … Continue reading