Fertility Drugs: Metaformin

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects approximately seven percent of women. Women with PCOS tend to have numerous small cysts in the ovaries, irregular or absent menstrual cycles and high levels of male hormones, known as androgens. This is responsible for the excessive hair growth experienced by many women with PCOS. Women with PCOS typically have difficulty in conceiving. Traditionally, drugs such as Clomid or injections of gonadotropins have been used to induce ovulation in women with PCOS. A newer medication used to treat this condition is metaformin. Metaformin is a medicine that has been used for years to help control … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review June 7-21

Each month in the pregnancy blog, I try to cover topics related to infertility, conception, pregnancy, birth and the post partum period after your baby is born. The blog review is a good place to get caught up on the recent topics covered. Hypoglycemia is a condition characterized by low blood sugar and excessive insulin production. It is common during pregnancy. To learn more read Hypoglycemia in Pregnancy. The high price of airplane tickets causes many families to take road trips for vacation. Sitting in the car for long periods of time isn’t always fun, particularly when you are pregnant. … Continue reading

Taking a Break from Infertility Treatments

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard someone say, either in real life or online, “We’re taking a break.” I completely understand the feeling. In the six years it took us to have our first baby, we stepped off the roller coaster a few times. This can be a very good thing, and is often necessary. Trying to concieve is not fun, despite the constant refrain of, “At least you get to have fun trying.” Trying to have a baby is one of the most stressful times of life. The emotional rollercoaster between hope and disappointment can … Continue reading

Pregnancy Blog Review for April 29 – May 10

Welcome to the pregnancy blog review. This is a good way to view all the recent blogs in one place. As always, I welcome topic suggestions for future blogs. Femara was originally prescribed for the treatment of breast cancer and is now used as a fertility drug. Initial studies look promising. Read more in Fertility Drugs: Femara Midwives in Maine will now have access to medications for use in home births. A new law will allow midwives to obtain certain medications directly from a pharmacist. Read more in New Law Gives Maine Midwives Access to Medications Yoga has many benefits … Continue reading

Fertility Drugs and Your Emotions

One of the biggest side effects of taking fertility drugs is the emotional aspect. Women taking fertility drugs often report mood swings as severe as those experienced during pregnancy. This takes a toll on the woman and her partner. It should come as no surprise that fertility drugs cause mood swings. Remember that all fertility drugs change the hormone levels in the body, specifically estrogen. This change in hormone levels is responsible for the ups and downs of your mood. Some women find the intensity of the mood swings surprising. They tend to come on suddenly and can be provoked … Continue reading

Enjoy the Quiet Now

In the midst of all the preparations for having your first child, I think something many of us moms overlook is making sure we take advantage of the time we have left being a childless couple. It’s hard to imagine how your life will change once you become parents. Beyond the shift in priorities and the budget to accommodate our little ones, there are other changes to consider. Hormones and fatigue can drastically change how we spend our free time. Instead of spending quality time together we often end up choosing to sleep instead. Sometimes housework takes up more time, … Continue reading

What are Fibroids?

Fibroids are muscular tumors that occur on the uterine walls. These tumors are almost always benign. The size and number of fibroids varies widely. They can range from the size of an orange seed to as big as a grapefruit. The number can range from just a few to many fibroids. Fibroids are very common. Depending on the source, as many as fifty to eighty percent of all women will develop them by the time they reach menopause. There are some factors that increase the likelihood of developing fibroids. Some risk factors include: being over the age of 40, family … Continue reading