Pregnancy and Caring for Small Children

Pregnancy is quite the journey for the first-timer, but it can be downright rocky when there’s a toddler running around, or a whole brood for that matter. First time pregnant moms have the freedom to nap when they are tired, rest when they are ill, sit when they are sore, and eat when they are hungry. Pregnant moms with a toddler running around their feet face the challenge of running the house on “empty,” cooking when they are sick to their stomach, chasing kids despite aches and pains, and eating on the go when there is no time to sit … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review April 9-20

In the Pregnancy Blog, I try to cover a variety of topics related to all aspects of pregnancy, conception, birth and the post partum period. The review is a great place to see all the recent blogs in one place. Do You Wear Your Seatbelt? Many pregnant women don’t buckle up, usually due to a fear the seatbelt could injure the baby in the event of an accident. However, wearing a seatbelt can save the lives of both you and your baby. Learn how to wear it correctly in this blog. If you are trying to get pregnant or have … Continue reading

Getting Enough Rest with Multiple Children

The importance of rest during pregnancy is well documented. Any woman who has ever been pregnant will tell you that getting enough rest is one of the best things you can do for you and your baby. You will find that you are tired sooner at night and even in the middle of the day, especially in the first trimester and late in the third. Getting enough rest is generally not very difficult with the first pregnancy. You have no other children to care for, so you can take a nap whenever you feel tired. Even if you are working, … Continue reading

Traveling With Children—Learn From My Mistakes

I used to be one of those travelers who would see a mother and her screaming child in the boarding area of an airport and secretly hope they wouldn’t be seated near me on a crowded flight. Well, that’s not entirely true. What I was really hoping for was that they wouldn’t be on my flight at all. Fast-forward a few years–now I’m the one with the baby. I might be older and wiser than I was when I was single, but giving birth didn’t gift me with the power to read minds. Then again, I don’t have to be … Continue reading

Preparing Pets For A New Baby

As you prepare for the arrival of your baby, it is important to make sure that others in your family are also prepared to welcome the new arrival. Pets are an important part of many families, and the arrival of a new baby is a big adjustment for them. In order to keep both the human and animal members of your household happy and safe, check out these tips for preparing your pet for a new baby. It can be helpful to think of your dog or cat as an older child who, up until now, was your only child. … Continue reading

Worrying is Eternal

Thank you to everyone who sent prayers and well wishes to my family in Hawaii and Japan in the hours following the massive earthquake and tsunami which flattened most of Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture. Despite the dozens of earthquakes, tsunamis and tsunami warnings that I have lived through growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii, including a 7.2 earthquake in 1975, which generated a tsunami that claimed multiple lives, I’d be a fool to underestimate the power of Mother Nature’s wrath. Being jaded doesn’t pay. My heart goes out to the displaced families in Japan and to all of … Continue reading

New Series: Interview With A Real Home-Based Professional

For those of us that work from home (or those who dream about it) it is always good to hear about real home-based professionals. Not only is it great to know that we are not alone in the choices and challenges that we face every day, it is inspiring to see what others do for work and how they have been able to make working from home work for them. I am pleased to bring you the first of a series of interviews with successful home-based professionals. I hope that you enjoy learning about them as much as I do. … Continue reading

Basic Financial Education for Kids

When I was growing up, money meant security. I grew up with the fear of not having enough, not because there wasn’t enough but because that was the gist of my parents’ conversations around money. I learned that you needed to get a good job, which meant one that paid well. Even though I was a fairly talented musician, this meant that a career in the arts was certainly out. When I was growing up, I also had positive experiences with money. My parents balanced their checkbook every week in full view of the kids. I got an allowance and … Continue reading

Balancing Mulitple Ages in Your Homeschool

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of a one room schoolhouse or a juggling act. Each option comes with its own challenges yet each can be successful. A mom must decide for herself how she will balance her day and her children’s education. There is no right way but oddly enough there are plenty of wrong ways. For example, if your home is a source of stress or children falling behind in their studies … Continue reading

Pregnancy Stages: The Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy includes weeks thirteen through twenty-four. You will begin to show during this time and most women start wearing maternity clothes at some time during the second trimester. You will become more aware of the baby’s presence and feel movement at some time during these weeks. This varies widely among women, so don’t get stuck on an exact week to feel the movement. Many women find the symptoms of pregnancy subside somewhat in the second trimester. Some report this trimester is the most comfortable, since morning sickness has generally ended. Also, while the stomach is expanding, … Continue reading