Getting Ready for the Baby

Preparations for our daughters birth began as soon as we discovered that I was expecting. There is always something to do whether it be taking supplements to support the baby’s development or getting baby gear together. With each phase of pregnancy comes new things to accomplish and additional changes to be made. I have had my fair share of changes to my regular routine including my diet and exercise regime; modifications were a must to maintain a healthy pregnancy. I also undertook many projects in preparation for the baby, many of them taking the form of “art” projects for the … Continue reading

Getting the Idea of Exercising from Your Mind to Your Heart

So you have probably polished off the last of the pumpkin pie and have hopefully awoken from your turkey coma. The mashed potatoes and gravy may still feel like they are sitting around your middle but you are determined to get a head start on a fitness routine. Why wait until the New Year? Why not get started now? There is nothing wrong with looking at certain opportunities as the perfect time to start a fitness routine. The fresh start of a new year, the day after your big Thanksgiving feast, or the day you celebrate a birthday…no matter what … Continue reading

Squeezing in Exercise When You Sit All Day

Sitting all day long is not good for your health. So if you work in an office or any type of job where you are sitting for long periods of time, you will need to get creative. Since I work from home, spending several hours most days of the week writing, it can be very easy to get comfortable and stay comfortable. I used to workout before I started my assignments. I figured it was better to get it out of the way but now I have changed things up. I try to get in 30 to 40 minutes of … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Graduation

Chronicling an entire academic year can be daunting, which is why you should not wait to get started on a memory book for your student, especially if he or she is graduating in the next few weeks. A graduation scrapbook can be as elaborate or as simple as you wish; however, it should include some main elements, including a timeline of sorts leading up to the major milestone. Basic graduation memory albums feature photos and memorabilia, while more unique books tell the tale of the student in a story-like fashion. For example, you could chronicle the entire year leading up … Continue reading

Motivation to Exercise

I have never been much of an exerciser. I went for runs with my college roommates but that only lasted a couple weeks. I made good use of the treadmill in the basement in the last few weeks preceding my wedding. I took a Pilate class for a month just to get out of the house while my husband spent late nights at rehearsals during graduate school. I never stuck with anything I tried and I never really cared. Sure I needed to get fit and tone my pathetically weak muscles, but the motivation just wasn’t there. That all changed … Continue reading

Should You Exercise When Sick?

I think more than anything I was looking for a good excuse this morning to not exercise. I did a Google search on exercising while you are sick. I shouldn’t have been surprised but there were several articles about this. I have been feeling under the weather the past few days. My body is run down, my throat hurts and I am sure that bronchitis is making its way into my body. It’s hard enough to get up and take care of the family, home and still do my job. But exercise? I don’t even want to think about it. … Continue reading

Review: Getting Started with Spanish

Format: Self Taught Textbook/MP3 Pronunciation Guide Available on Website Age: Any age Teacher Prep: Minimal Homeschool Method: Any Learning style: Works well with any learning style Quick Rating: Very Good Cost: Can be purchased at Amazon or Barnes and Noble for about $20.00. What is Getting Started with Spanish? A book which teaches Spanish in bite sized portions making it easy for homeschoolers or other self taught learners to grasp the Spanish language. Each lesson provides new material at a slow rate ensuring mastery of each lesson. The book is comprehensive and complete with additional helps and audio provided on … Continue reading

The Best Time of Day to Exercise

I am quickly discovering that one of the key components to maintaining a fitness routine is to find the best time of day to exercise. If you don’t find your niche you will be floundering around. I have been doing some of that lately. My problem is that I do better with schedules and routines. During the school year I am forced to be awake by a certain time in order to get my children ready for school. Now that summer is here, I find myself getting up at different times with different things on my agenda. The lazy days … Continue reading

Benefits of Morning Exercise

There are some real benefits to morning exercise. There is just something about starting your day off with a good fitness routine that can really set a good pace for the day. One of the benefits to exercise in the morning is that you get it done. If you are anything like me, putting off fitness until later doesn’t always happen. In fact, most times if I don’t get it in right away in the morning, it is very unlikely to happen later. Let’s face it, life is filled with interruptions, distractions and so many things to do that it … Continue reading

Exercise for Type II Diabetics

Exercise is important for everyone, but regular exercise is especially important for people with Type II diabetes. With regular exercise, diabetics may be able to control nerve pain and/or peripheral neuropathy, nerve damage that mainly affects the legs and feet. Regular exercise can also help a diabetic maintain a healthy weight and regulate their blood sugar. But, some diabetics avoid exercise because they are already overweight or suffering from some physical ailment. They may even avoid getting started on an exercise regiment because they cannot exercise for very long. Just remember – any movement is good movement. While the American … Continue reading