Pregnancy and Heartburn

One of the most common pregnancy – related discomforts is heartburn. About half of all pregnant women experience heartburn to some degree during their pregnancies. I experienced it rather severely during both pregnancies. In fact, when I was pregnant with Blake (who is now almost five months old), I started having heartburn a few weeks before I even suspected that I was pregnant. One day, I found myself reaching for the Tums that I had not used since my first pregnancy. I blamed it on the pepperoni pizza that I had just eaten, and I figured that all of the … Continue reading

Your Emotions At Two Months Pregnant

If you are pregnant, you are probably well aware that pregnancy can feel a lot different, emotionally, than what you are accustomed to. Even during early pregnancy, your baby’s impact on your body is not easy to see yet their impact on your emotions is hard to ignore. Here are a few of the things that you may be feeling during the second month of your pregnancy. Have you noticed that things that would not normally bother you drive you crazy now? It is perfectly normal to be more sensitive and even more irritable than you usually are. The hormonal … Continue reading

Have You Googled Yourself Into Thinking That You Are Pregnant?

Most of us can remember a time when we had a pregnancy scare. Although being pregnant is a wonderful thing much of the time, there are certain times when the thought of becoming pregnant is not very appealing and sometimes quite scary. Perhaps you were in a new relationship, or a relationship that you were beginning to feel would not work out after all. Maybe you were young and not ready for a baby yet. Perhaps you already had one or more children and did not want to increase your family size again. Whatever the situation was, you were just … Continue reading