Five Weird Pregnancy Symptoms

There are a number of weird, though perfectly normal, side effects to pregnancy that no one tells you about.  You might get all or none of these, and it could vary from one of your pregnancies to another. 1. Bloody Gums.  Early in the second trimester I began noticing a bit more blood than normal when I flossed.  I went to my routine dentist appointment, and the hygienist confirmed that yup, that’s just something that can happen when you’re pregnant.  Chalk this one down to hormones; they’re making your gums (and other parts) more inflamed than usual.  Pregnant women are … Continue reading

Treating Headaches During Pregnancy

Reacting to whatever life throws you is so much more simple when you are not pregnant. But when you’re expecting, suddenly you have to consider every decision in a whole new light. This never more true than when you’re deciding whether to take a medication. When your head is pounding, is it okay to just take a pain reliever like aspirin or ibuprofen? Should you consult your doctor? Are there safer ways to cope with a headache? Between the surge of hormones and the extra blood flow associated with pregnancy, headaches are not that all uncommon. They are especially prevalent … Continue reading

Migraines during Pregnancy can Increase Stroke Risk

A study from Duke University Medical Center looked at the connection between migraines during pregnancy and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Study authors started with the assumption that women who have migraines tend to also have vascular disease. And if you are at risk for one (migraines) or the other (cardiovascular disease), then you should be working to modify, control, or reduce your risk factors while pregnant. The study looked at pregnancy discharge data for nearly seventeen million American women over a four year period (2000-2003). Out of those seventeen million women, nearly thirty-four thousand women had … Continue reading

The Benefits of Acupuncture in Pregnancy

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that many people find helpful for a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture has specific benefits during pregnancy as well. Practitioners believe that pain and illness are the result of an imbalance of energy known as qi or chi. In the first trimester, complaints such as morning sickness, fatigue and headaches are common. If the physical symptoms weren’t enough, the expectant mother also has to deal with emotional changes and mood swings. Acupuncture has benefits for all these early pregnancy discomforts. The procedure increases the feeling of well being while relieving the physical discomforts. … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review October 3-13

The pregnancy blog covers a wide range of topics from trying to conceive to the post partum period. If you find you don’t have time to keep up with the blog, the pregnancy blog review is an easy way to see the week’s blogs in one place. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. As always, I’m always open to suggestions for topics of future blogs. Induction has become so popular in recent years that doctors do an induction on request or for easier scheduling. This is changing in hospitals across the country. A Change in Thinking about … Continue reading

Recurrent Headaches in Pregnancy

Headaches are not uncommon during pregnancy. Some women suffer from the occasional headache or are bothered at one point in pregnancy. A more disruptive problem is recurrent headaches. For some women headaches occur for weeks or even months at a time. Women who have experienced migraine headaches in the past may find the headaches subside during pregnancy. Others have more frequent migraines later in pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. Still others experience headaches for the first time during pregnancy. These are generally not migraines, although it is possible. If you experience recurrent headaches, mention it to your doctor at … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for June 4-12

Pregnancy is a busy time. The days pass quickly as you prepare your home for the arrival of your new baby. The pregnancy blog week in review is a great way to catch up on your reading all in one place. Read the synopsis and click on the articles that are relevant or interesting to you. Feel free to leave a comment or suggest topics for future blogs. I’m always open to suggestions. Many couples choose a permanent method of birth control when they feel they are finished having children. For most couples, the decision is a good one and … Continue reading

Dealing with Migraines in Pregnancy

Whether you have suffered with migraines for years or only began having them during pregnancy, the pain can be difficult to deal with. Some women find that their migraines get worse when they become pregnant, while others experience fewer and less severe headaches. Still other women experience their first migraine during pregnancy. Migraines are not like other headaches. These are caused by the blood vessels in the brain dilating. The pain of a migraine is different from other types of headaches. The pain starts out as a dull ache, which gradually becomes a constant, throbbing pain. Nausea, vomiting and seeing … Continue reading

Taking your Headaches to the Doctor

Most of us have occasional headaches; we have learned to expect them as a normal course of life. It has become such a typical complaint that most of us will hesitate even mentioning that we have a headache. Unless it’s bad- really, really bad. Then the old saying “misery loves company” kicks in and we want everyone to know so they’ll leave us alone, baby us, bring us a cup of coffee, whatever we think will help. Not all headaches are created equal some are very mild and others are, well, more memorable. When are these headaches serious enough to … Continue reading

Acupuncture Could Help Alleviate ADHD Symptoms

Acupuncture has been used to relieve pain, to alleviate allergy symptoms, and to help with a variety of other health issues. Some have found that acupuncture helps children who have ADHD, by reducing some of their symptoms. It is not a “cure”, but it can be a useful, additional, treatment for ADHD. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been around for more than 2,000 years. The National Institutes of Health have done studies that show that acupuncture can be effective for certain types of health problems. They specifically focused on people who were receiving acupuncture for back … Continue reading