Don’t Lose Yourself When Baby Arrives

When someone gets married, they can easily lose their own identity in their marriage. The same thing can happen after baby arrives. But, it doesn’t have to. Right now, while you are still pregnant and baby free, it’s a good time to do some self-reflection. Think about what makes you the person you are right now aside from growing another life inside you. What makes you happy? What is it that you love to do? Who are you? Keeping a journal is a good way to answer these questions. Spend an evening alone, and really ponder what has made your … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Relationships: Your Marriage

For the final installment of my Pregnancy and Relationships series, I am going to talk about marriage. I’m saving the best for last, since pregnancy will have the greatest impact on the two people who started it. It’s hard to describe in 500 words or less the kind of changes that will take place when two people move from being a couple to a family. Suddenly, your whole world revolves around the well being and development of an eight pound, crying, pooping, drooling mess with big round eyes, dimples and a smile that will make you melt every time. The … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Relationships: Introduction

There are milestones in a person’s life that dramatically impact her relationships with the people around her: learning to drive and gaining independence, going off to college, getting married, and having children are just a few. Her first pregnancy, the prelude to parenthood, has the potential to inspire, alienate, divide and strengthen the relationships in her life. How she copes with these changes can affect the bond between her and her child, her spouse, her parents, her in-laws and her friends. In the spirit of Christmas and family-togetherness, over the next few days, we’ll be discussing how pregnancy impacts each … Continue reading

Losing the “Marriage 15”

I’ve got one thing going for me, since giving birth to my son four and a half months ago, I’ve managed to lose every pound I gained during pregnancy. But, I’m stuck at my pre-pregnancy weight, which is still about 15 pounds more than I weighed when I got married. It could have been all those dinner dates, movie nights and times spent staring dreamily into each other’s eyes as newlyweds. It could have been the fact that all I knew how to cook that first year was spaghetti, frozen pizza, macaroni & cheese, and hamburger helper. It could have … Continue reading

Cramping in Early Pregnancy

Finding out you are pregnant is an exciting time. It can also be stressful and frustrating, particularly if you are having symptoms that are causing worry. One common worry in early pregnancy is feeling cramping. Often, this is nothing to worry about and completely normal. Many women experiencing cramping around the time of a missed period. This may lead some to think they aren’t actually pregnant, but just a little late. Often they are surprised to learn a few weeks later that they are pregnant and the cramping had to do with the pregnancy and not an impending period. There … Continue reading

Pregnancy when Your Partner is Far From Home

Whether your partner is in the military, travels often for business or for a number of other reasons is far from home, you may spend part of your pregnancy alone. These situations are difficult both for the expecting mom and daddy too. Men want to be part of things, but being far from home makes this difficult. There are some things you can do to help your man be part of the pregnancy, even if he can’t be there for every doctors visit or the first kick. The important thing to remember is you can celebrate the joy of this … Continue reading

When Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Attend the Birth

For the vast majority of couples, the husband’s presence in the delivery room is taken for granted. Gone are the days when the father to be would sit in the waiting room, smoking cigars and waiting for news about the baby. For the past few generations, fathers have been welcomed into the delivery room and have taken an active role in helping their wives cope during labor. There are still some men out there who would love to go back to those days. For a variety of reasons, these men have no desire to witness the birth of their children. … Continue reading

Domestic Violence in Pregnancy

During each of my four pregnancies, I was asked at my first prenatal visit if I was abused by my husband. I found this strange and my husband was offended by the question. We couldn’t imagine why they would ask us this question. Recently I learned an interesting statistic that answered our questions. According to the American Institute on Domestic Violence, between four and eight percent of pregnant women suffer abuse at the hands of their partners during pregnancy. You may be asked this question at your prenatal visit. If the doctor asks, be honest. They can refer you to … Continue reading

Marriage Laws – Delaware & The Age of Consent

As you know I’ve been writing a series on Marriage Laws in the 50 United States and I’ve discovered that the laws are changing all the time, even on pieces that I wrote just a couple of weeks ago. So what’s happening in Delaware? Because the state’s laws allowing under-age pregnant brides to marry without consent conflicts with laws governing statutory rape – a new law now requires all minors under the age of 18 to petition Family Court for permission to marry. Until recently, pregnancy offered minors an exclusion and reason to marry under the state’s laws, but no … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review May 1-May 6

Another week has come and gone. The time flies when you are busy growing a healthy baby. Sit back, relax and catch up on The Pregnancy Blog. There’s a lot of great information here about pregnancy, fertility, birth and the post partum period. Forgetfulness is a common issue in pregnancy. Read about it in I’m Pregnant: Why Can’t I Remember Anything? There are some things you can do to deal with forgetfulness during your pregnancy. Becoming a parent changes every aspect of your life. These changes begin in pregnancy and continue for the rest of your life. Read about the … Continue reading