How To Avoid Oversharing Pregnancy Related Information

Social networking can be a great way to keep friends and family abreast of all things pregnancy – related. For one thing, it sure beats having to make phone calls to absolutely everyone every time key information (like baby’s gender) is found out, and worrying about whether you have remembered to call absolutely everyone lest you should forget and offend someone. The one drawback with social media is that there tends to be a lot of oversharing going on. How can you be the thoughtful pregnant woman who keeps all of her friends and family up to date with the … Continue reading

Happy News for the Royal Family Despite Illness

 What wonderful news out of England, that Duchess Kate is now pregnant. She is early in her pregnancy, and is unfortunately experiencing a very severe case of a common early pregnancy symptom. Most of us are familiar with morning sickness, and many of us have experienced it at some point during our pregnancies. However, only about one percent of women will experience morning sickness as severely as Duchess Kate is now experiencing it. The scientific name for excessive morning sickness is hyperemesis gravidarum, or excessive vomiting during pregnancy. In case you are wondering what qualifies as excessive vomiting (after all, vomiting … Continue reading

What Happens When Your Water Breaks?

If you are pregnant, chances are you have heard at least one or two accounts of how someone’s water broke when it was almost time for their baby to be born. While having your water break before you head for the hospital is completely normal, it is also normal for your water to remain intact until you are at the hospital and your labor is well underway. What is it like for your water to break? I have no idea, because mine did not break during either pregnancy, it had to be broken both times. I did some research so … Continue reading

Baby Center’s 15 Best Baby Products of 2012

If you are in the process of planning your baby registry, you may want to take note that BabyCenter has released its list of the top fifteen baby products of 2012, as chosen by moms. Who better to offer real life feedback on what works (and doesn’t work) for babies and their parents, and, perhaps more importantly, why. Since parenting is such an individual thing, it only makes sense that there are many products out there to address the needs of different parents with different lifestyles. Of course, it makes it a little harder to pinpoint which products will work … Continue reading