The Pregnancy Blog Review for July 25- August 4

I missed the Week in Review last week due to a sick baby. I’ll cover the last two weeks in this summary. There have been a variety of topics covered in the blog in the past two weeks. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. Working women change jobs. This is a fact of life. There will be times when a woman makes a change, only to discover that she is pregnant shortly after starting the new job. Learn how to handle this situation in Pregnancy and Your New Job. Amusement parks are a fun part of the … Continue reading

How to Calculate Your Due Date

When you learn you are pregnant, the first thing you will wonder is when the baby will arrive. This will also be one of the first questions your family and friends will ask when you share the news. You may be anxious for that first visit with your health care provider, so you will know the due date. You don’t need to wait for your first prenatal visit. You can calculate your due date at home. You can find due date calculators on parenting and pregnancy websites on the internet. These calculators all work in about the same way. You … Continue reading

What to Expect at Your First Prenatal Visit

If you are newly pregnant for the first time, you may be wondering about your first prenatal visit. Whether you are seeing an obstetrician or a midwife, your first visit will be longer and more involved than subsequent prenatal appointments. Regular prenatal care is important during pregnancy to assess your health and prevent or treat possible complications. You will be given a pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. This is usually a urine test. Your urine will also be tested for protein, sugar and bacteria. This will be done at every prenatal visit. You will be asked the date of … Continue reading

Your Credit Score and How It Relates To Insurance (3)

When insurance companies use credit information to determine a customers “insurance credit score,” the score is calculated using information about a persons credit history. Many insurance companies will penalize recent history more than old credit history. The factors used for many insurance company scoring models include: Public records: Such as bankruptcy, collections, foreclosures, liens, and charge-offs. Public records generally lower your insurance credit score. Past payment history: The number and frequency of late payments and the days between due date and late payment date. If bills are not paid on time, the insurance score will be lower. Length of credit … Continue reading

What Does It Feel Like When You Get Pregnant?

If you are trying to start a family, you might be wondering what pregnancy will feel like. Personally, when I was trying to get pregnant, I always wondered if I would be able to tell once I conceived. What does it feel like to be pregnant? Would I get that special intuition that some women talk about? As it turns out, the symptoms were there right away, but I didn’t know what to look for. A few days after we conceived (as we calculated later once we had our ultrasound), we went on a camping trip with some friends. Now … Continue reading

Pregnancy Apps for Smart Phones

I’ve blogged about a few apps that are available for iPhones, but did you know there are many pregnancy apps for other smart phones as well? Android phones are becoming very popular these days and offer quite a few apps via the Google Marketplace. This month I had the thrill of test driving an EVO 4G for the purposes of trying out some of the pregnancy apps, courtesy of the generous people of Sprint. (Can I just note that I am in love with this phone and I’m already mourning having to mail it back this week? It’s a fun … Continue reading

Why Can’t I Be Two Weeks Pregnant?

It is impossible to be one week pregnant. It is impossible to be two weeks pregnant. In fact, you’re not really pregnant until the third week. Confused? Pregnancy is 40 weeks long, but that number is counted from the “first day” of your cycle. When you are in the first week of pregnancy, your baby is no more than a hope in your heart (and you’re likely having your period). During the second week, you’re more than likely doing the baby dance and by the end of that week, conception occurs. Fourteen is the magic number! From that day on, … Continue reading

Pregnant Buddies

I would love it if I could time my next pregnancy with my sister’s first. There is just something so special about being pregnant at the same time as a close friend or a sister. I tried timing my first pregnancy with a couple different friends, but ended up sandwiched in between their due dates. As most women know, there’s only so much planning you can do when it comes to picking a due date. Babies are born when they are meant to be born, regardless of our efforts to synchronize their birthdays with cousins or friends’ babies. Still, there … Continue reading

Top 10 Reactions to a Positive Pregnancy Test

You’ve just found out that you are pregnant. How do you react? 10. You send your husband to the store to buy a second test. The more high tech, the better. If they came out with a pregnancy test that could verbally tell you, “Congratulations! You’re pregnant!”, you would probably buy it. 9. Take a photo of the pregnancy test and post it on the Pregnancy forum on to see if your forum buddies think it’s positive, too. “Is that a line? Is it an evap?” 8. Google “early pregnancy symptoms” and mentally check off any that you are … Continue reading

Determining Gestational Age with Ultrasound

Figuring out the due date is easy if you know the exact date of your last menstrual period and when you ovulated. If you have a regular 28 day cycle, you would add nine months and seven days to the date of your last menstrual period. This is the method used by due date calculating tools used in the doctor’s office and found online. What if you don’t remember the date of your last menstrual period? This is not uncommon. Irregular cycles are another problem with determining the exact due date. In this case, your doctor may suggest an ultrasound … Continue reading