My Experience With Natural Childbirth, Part 2

There are many different ways to cope with the pain of childbirth. When it comes to a drug free birth, you have your choice of Lamaze, the Bradley Method, acupuncture, hypnosis, yoga, meditation, walking, massage, taking a bath or shower, or distracting yourself. I largely credit my ability to cope with the pain of childbirth to two things: prayer and the Bradley Method. I had taken a childbirth class through the hospital that loosely followed the Lamaze method, focusing on patterned breathing and relaxation. A few weeks before I gave birth to my son, however, we enjoyed dinner and conversation … Continue reading

“Hypo-Parenting” is Not a Parenting Style

Have you ever wished that you could hypnotize your children so they would behave the way you wanted them to? One parent has been doing exactly that, though there is no science to support the idea that hypnosis is an effective parenting tool. Lisa Macheberg is a hypnotherapist who has three children. She says she started hypnotizing her children the help them get through the night without wetting the bed. She didn’t stop there, though. She now uses hypnotizing as a tool to help her kids deal with range of problems from performance anxiety to difficulty focusing. In an ABC … Continue reading

Can Hypnotherapy Help You Create a Healthy Lifestyle?

A friend of mine hates answering the phone. She hates it so much that she ignores any calls from unknown numbers and never even checks her voicemail. As a small business owner, she fears that she’s losing lots of business — but even that won’t get her to listen to her messages. She mentioned wanting to try hypnotherapy to help get her past her phone problems. Personally, I think it’s a good idea. Hypnotherapy isn’t just the stage tricks we see at fairs and on television. Working with a trained, licensed hypnotherapist can help a person make huge life changes. … Continue reading

Does Natural Birth Really Matter?

Proponents of natural child birth say natural birth is the safest option for both mothers and their babies. Some women swear by the epidural and will recommend one immediately upon hearing the news that you are expecting a baby. You may be left wondering if natural child birth is really all that important. Does it matter whether you have pain medication when you are in labor? Although opinions vary widely on this issue natural child birth does offer some benefits to the mother and baby. One benefit to the mother is a lower risk of interventions during labor, such as … Continue reading

Choosing Goals for Your Birth Plan for Labor

A birth plan is an essential part of having the birth that you want. All pregnant women should write a comprehensive birth plan that describes their preferences for labor, birth and the immediate post partum period. Before you can write a birth plan, you need to know what you want. That is where having goals is beneficial. Setting goals for your birth is a big topic. For this reason, I will split it into two blogs, one for labor and the other for the birth and beyond. In our society, we often focus on what can go wrong during birth. … Continue reading

Why I Chose Hypnobirthing

I was led to hypnobirthing, because I was looking for a tool to help me to have a natural childbirth. I had wanted to have a natural childbirth with my first child, but the class my husband and I took only taught us a few breathing techniques. We didn’t practice, and so I became overwhelmed and received an epidural. For the birth of my second child, I decided to take the easy way out and get the epidural before things got rough. But I did not feel good about an epidural for my third child, and so I needed to … Continue reading

Did Hypnobirthing Work for Me?

Hypnobirthing worked for me on many levels, but I did not have a completely pain free experience. At the same time I was not seeking a completely pain free experience and so I was not disappointed in the results. I used the Hypnobabies program, which is a home study program. The classes last about six weeks. You read from a manual and then listen to a CD every day. You can slow down the classes by listening to the CDs for a longer amount of time. After you complete the class you are supposed to follow a maintenance program, which … Continue reading

How to Prepare for Labor and Delivery

There are many ways you can prepare for labor and delivery, including mental, physical and emotional. Lamaze classes are definitely one way to prepare for your labor and delivery, but there’s more to it than just taking a class. It’s practicing the breathing techniques and understanding how to push when the time comes. Learning to breathe correctly is an important part of your preparation process. Whether you take a lamaze class or work with a birthing coach or get a crash course in labor and delivery from your OB-GYN, the following is some information on breathing techniques and how to … Continue reading

Mind Over Medicine

Hypnosis isn’t just for entertainment anymore… hypnosis has become part of the treatment options at some of the nation’s top research hospitals! Doctors have started to turn to hypnosis to help patients through childbirth, chemotherapy, and even certain surgeries. Let’s get one misconception out of the way: hypnotism isn’t sleeping. You are awake and aware throughout the whole thing. And one more misconception: you can’t be compelled to do things you don’t want to do. Nobody is going to make you cluck like a chicken or bark like a dog. Psychologists describe hypnosis as an altered mental state. Most people … Continue reading