Advantages of Pregnancy

There are many advantages to being pregnant, and I’m not talking about the adorable bundle of joy you get out of the deal. For the six months or so that you are visibly pregnant, that belly is like a free spin, the wild card, a “get out of jail free” card. You can get through crowds. Pregnant woman can part the red sea (or a crowd) simply by saying “excuse me.” As soon as one person sees you are expecting, it’s a domino effect and everyone gets out of your way. This is particularly useful when you are trying to … Continue reading

Mel Gibson’s Girlfriend is Pregnant: Ex-fans Sound Off

Well, now we know what finally pushed Robyn Gibson to end her 28-year marriage to the king of hypocrisy. According to reports, Mel Gibson’s twice divorced wannabe singer girlfriend from Russia is pregnant with his love child. Sources say Mel’s 39-year-old mistress, Oksana Grigorieva, who has a 12-year-old son with actor Timothy Dalton, is delighted by the turn of events. And why not, getting knocked up by a multi, multi-millionaire means she is set for life. Last week, Grigorieva’s wealthy ex-boyfriend spoke to a British newspaper about his experience with the woman, who is allegedly carrying the “Mad Max” star’s … Continue reading

Kidney Infection in Pregnancy

Kidney infections often result from untreated bladder infections. When a bladder infection is left untreated, the bacteria can continue to travel up the urinary tract, until it reaches the kidneys. The symptoms of kidney infection include fever, pain in the abdomen, pain in the back, under the ribs and chills. There are a few different causes of bladder and kidney infections. E coli and group B strep are common culprits. Certain sexually transmitted diseases can also result in kidney and bladder infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. In early pregnancy, most women are tested for these STDs, but they can … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for October 30 – November 11

A wide range of topics have been covered recently in the Pregnancy Blog. This review is a good place to catch up on any you may have missed. Fill your water glass, sit back and enjoy. As always, I love hearing from readers with requests for future blogs. Your breasts undergo changes throughout pregnancy. There is a good reason for these changes; your body is preparing to feed your baby. Learn more in Breast Changes During Pregnancy. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that affects a large number of women. This includes pregnant women. Some experience symptoms for the first … Continue reading

IBS in Pregnancy

Irritable bowel syndrome affects millions of people. Two thirds of the people with IBS are women. Since so many women are affected by IBS, it is obvious that it will be a problem for some pregnant women. Pregnancy has an affect on irritable bowel syndrome, but this varies from woman to woman. The same woman can have two completely different experiences from one pregnancy to the next. In some cases, the symptoms of IBS disappear during pregnancy. For other women, the symptoms get worse. In some cases, irritable bowel syndrome can develop for the first time during pregnancy. In most … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten – Ways to Break the News

I distinctly remember the ancient Full House episode in which Aunt Becky attempts to announce her pregnancy to Uncle Jesse during a family game of Pictionary. First she drew a wheel of cheese, then I think she mocked cutting it in half, then came a bottle of ink, and of course a picture of a baby. Cheese. Half. Ink. A baby? Sheeeeshalvingababy? She’s having a baby! And the Tanner family erupted with congratulatory whelping. There’s more than one way to break the news of your pregnancy to family, friends and significant others, so why not make it really fun – … Continue reading

Focus on the Candidates – John Kasich

This blog is part of the series that focuses on the candidates who are running for President of the United States in 2016. This blog focuses on John Kasich. John Kasich is the 69th Governor of Ohio. He was first elected to that position in 2010, and he won re-election in 2014. Health Care According to his official website, John Kasich believes that “Obamacare” must be repealed and replaced. He wants to replace it with what he calls “A New, Conservative Vision”. That vision includes “having a primary care system that helps promote long term good health instead of just … Continue reading

Alicia Silverstone Wrote a Controversial Parenting Book

Babies (and children) do not come with an instruction manual. Sometimes, parents wish their children did come with one that would provide inspiration and the answers that parents need. This is likely why so many parents seek out books on parenting. As such, there are plenty of them to choose from. Alicia Silverstone (the actress from the movie “Clueless”) has written a parenting book that many people consider to be controversial. The book is titled “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful, Beginning”. It was published on … Continue reading

Maternity Care in the U.S.

The recent birth of the royal prince cost $15,000.  That sounds like a lot, right?  It is, but it’s only half the cost of a birth in America.  That’s right: the average price of a birth — in a normal hospital, not a luxury wing — in the U.S. is $30,000.  That makes us, according to an in-depth article by The New York Times, the nation that pays the most for maternity care.  Yet, we also have one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world.  It seems like these two things should counter one another, but in … Continue reading

Mega Morning Sickness

Kate Middleton’s baby is due to arrive any day now. The royal newborn will make the Duchess and Prince William first-time parents. It’s hard to tell who is more excited about the impending birth—Kate and Wills or the paparazzi. Middleton is said to be counting down the days to motherhood by clothes shopping near her parents’ home. Her retail therapy is a far cry from her hospitalization for severe morning sickness earlier in her pregnancy. Duchess Kate admitted to suffering from an acute form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum.  The serious-sounding condition can level even the toughest moms-to-be.  Doctors … Continue reading