Infertility Testing: Endometrial Biopsy

An endometrial biopsy involves testing a sample of the endometrial lining of the uterus. This test is done to check the hormone levels and endometrial lining are consistent with the timing of the menstrual cycle. In other words, is the lining what would be expected on that day of your cycle? The endometrial biopsy involves the physician inserting a catheter through the cervix and into the uterus. A sample of the endometrial tissue is extracted. This tissue is sent to a lab for testing. The test only takes a few minutes. Most women experience mild to moderate discomfort with this … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review March 4-March 29

Well, this week in review will cover more than one week. The bloggers were given a well deserved break until this past week. Since I didn’t get to include the articles in the week before our break, I’ll add them here. The Pregnancy Blog is back, so be sure to stop by and visit. March 4 What to do When Nobody Gives You a Shower offers suggestions for new Mommies who aren’t getting a traditional baby shower. March 5 Pregnant women are notoriously tired. Unfortunately, we often don’t have time to take a much needed nap. Feel Refreshed Without … Continue reading

Initial Infertility Testing

If you have been trying to conceive for one year without success, it may be time to call a doctor. If you are over the age of 35, you should be evaluated after six months without natural conception. Your initial evaluation can be done by an infertility specialist. The initial evaluation is often done by the OB/GYN. A minor problem can be treated by your regular doctor. In many cases, after these initial results come back you may be referred to a reproductive endocrinologist. A thorough initial evaluation will save you time and money at the fertility clinic. Most of … Continue reading

Infertility Testing: Day 3 FSH Testing

Ovulation and the quality of the eggs is a critical component of successfully achieving pregnancy. The Day 3 FSH testing is done to help ascertain the quality of the eggs and the ovulatory cycle. This test measures the level of Follicle Stimulating Hormone present on day three of the menstrual cycle. This hormone is vital for stimulating the follicles in the ovaries to produce an egg each month. It is used in most injectable fertility drugs to help induce the development of several follicles to produce more eggs. This test is often done in conjunction with IVF procedures and the … Continue reading

Infertility Testing: Hystersalpinogram

Beginning with this blog, I will be doing a series about common infertility testing. When you first visit a reproductive endocrinologist, you will hear about a myriad of testing procedures. This can be confusing and cause anxiety. I know it did for me. I’ll start this series by talking about a test called the hystersalpinogram. I had this test done twice, once fairly early in my six years of infertility and the second time just prior to undergoing IUI to conceive our first baby. The hystersalpinogram is a very long name for a fairly simple test. The test is basically … Continue reading