Infertility Testing: The Antisperm Antibody Test

The presence of antisperm antibodies can prevent some women from getting pregnant. The immune system sees the semen as an invader in the body and creates antibodies to kill it. Basically, the immune system mistakes the sperm for a virus. Although relatively rare, this is a cause of infertility. Antibodies affect sperm in two ways. They can kill the sperm. The antibodies also affect the motion of the sperm. Rather than swimming, they clump and move in a circular motion. In most cases, they are unable to reach the egg. The antisperm antibody test is used to diagnose this cause … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review April 11-21

A sick, cranky baby kept me from doing the week in review last week. If you are pregnant, you will soon know what this is like! I’ll combine the past two weeks into one review. April 11 Infertility Testing: The Post Coital Test discusses this common infertility test and what to expect if you need the test. April 13 How to Use a Home Doppler offers tips for learning to use a doppler to monitor your baby’s heart rate at home. Who Will Be Present at the Birth? offers some suggestions for choosing who will witness the birth of your … Continue reading

Infertility Testing: Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is a test for infertility that allows doctors to view the inside of the uterus. The test is used to determine the cause of abnormal bleeding, look for fibroids and other possible causes of infertility. The test is most accurate during the week following menstruation. If you need this test, your doctor will most likely schedule it for this time in your cycle. An instrument called a hysteroscope is used in the procedure. A hysteroscope is a fiberoptic tube that is attached to a camera. The tube is approximately as wide as a drinking straw. The camera on the … Continue reading

Infertility Testing: The Post Coital Test

Of all the testing I had done when we were trying to conceive our first baby, the post coital test was the most embarrassing. This test involves visiting the doctor after having intercourse. The doctor then checks the sperm in your cervical mucous to see if it is moving well. The post coital test is done for several reasons. It is usually done when the cause of infertility is not known. The test will show if there are immunity issues that are preventing conception. It will also show if there are problems with the cervical mucous that are not allowing … Continue reading

Can Robitussin Help You Conceive?

This was a question asked in our trying to conceive forum. It turns out that it can help, if your problems conceiving are affected by the cervical mucous. So how does it work? Well, the active ingredient in Robitussin is guaifenesin. This drug works by thinning the mucous when you are sick and stuffed up or coughing, which relieves the symptoms. In addition to thinning the mucous in your head, the drug also thins the cervical mucous. This can create a more hospitable environment for the sperm. If you are under a doctor’s care for infertility, your cervical mucous quality … Continue reading