Safe Beauty During Pregnancy

Before you got pregnant, you may have had a certain routine in place for taking care of your hair and skin. Now that you are pregnant, your hair and skin may be acting differently than usual. Also, many doctors advise their pregnant patients to forego some hair and skin treatments during their pregnancy and while breastfeeding. If you are curious about which beauty treatments are safe during pregnancy and which will have to wait until later, read on. Regular hair cuts, complete with a shampoo and blow dry are just fine. If your hair starts acting oddly after the pregnancy … Continue reading

Hair Care During Pregnancy

The experiences women have with their hair during pregnancy vary widely. Some women have the most beautiful, thickest and easiest to manage hair of their lives during pregnancy. Others aren’t quite so lucky. In general, the hair does get thicker. This is due to pregnancy hormones. However, for some women, thicker does not mean easier to manage. The hair may be frizzy or fly away, rather than sleek and smooth, as you would see in shampoo commercials. This is a frustrating problem for many women. There are a few things you can do to make your hair easier to manage, … Continue reading

Is it Safe to Visit the Nail Salon?

When you are pregnant, a little pampering is good for your self esteem. For some women, this means a visit to the nail salon. Once you are inside, you may become concerned about the strong smell of chemicals. The smell of the acrylics and gel is enough to knock you off your feet. The effect of the fumes in your local nail salon on the developing fetus is not known. There haven’t been any definitive studies done on this. While most pregnant women who work in these salons seem to be fine, there haven’t been many large scale studies or … Continue reading

Enjoy Your Day at the Spa Safely

A day at the spa is the perfect way to relax and let the stress melt away. Most spa treatments are completely safe during labor. However, there are a few that should be avoided. Here’s how to enjoy your day of pampering without worrying about your unborn baby. Before you arrive for your day at the spa, be sure the staff knows you are pregnant. If possible, tell them when you book your appointment. If the day is a gift, call the spa to let them know that you are pregnant. Be sure to mention any other issues, such as … Continue reading

Home Schooling with a Toddler in Tow

Have you ever been teaching algebra and been interrupted by the sound of your toddler riffling through your bookcase? Or teaching biology and look up to see your walls decorated with Crayola markers, complements of your toddler? Or worse yet, realize you have not taught a decent day of school since your baby turned into a toddler? Home schooling is not for the faint of heart. Our families are constantly changing, growing, and living life in between fractions and Moby Dick. One of the biggest changes a home schooling family can go through is the addition of a new baby. … Continue reading

A Day at The Spa

What could be more relaxing for a pregnant woman than a day at the spa (or a spa day at home)? You may be wondering what to enjoy and what to skip when it comes to pampering your pregnant body. Here is a guide to baby-friendly treatments. Facial If you’re not satisfied with the pregnancy glow, or lack thereof, a facial can be a relaxing and refreshing treat. If you visit a spa, let them know you are pregnant (if it’s not obvious) and they will adjust their treatments if necessary. If you’re doing your own facial, stick with natural … Continue reading

Baby-Friendly Nail Polish

Fashion has gone a bit by the wayside since my daughter was born. My former beauty routine is becoming a distant memory. Put on a full face of makeup? I’m lucky if my face is washed before going out of the house. Curl my hair? It’s a rare morning that it’s even blow-dried. Whiten my teeth? Let’s be realistic; my daily goal is to brush my teeth before lunchtime. And yet, some days I miraculously find the time to look almost normal. I look in the mirror and realize I somewhat resemble my pre-baby self. It’s on these days that … Continue reading

Creating a Greener Home for Your Baby

Pregnancy is a time for thinking about the future. As you plan for your baby, you are thinking about the future and what life will be like for your child. Naturally, you want to do all you can to protect your baby and preserve our planet for your child and his children. You can do your part by making your home a “green” environment for your family. Toxicity in the environment and the dangers that toxic chemicals pose to people has gained more media attention recently. Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” has brought greater awareness to the toxins found in … Continue reading