Real Food Matters

How well does your family eat? Sometimes, it can seem like the easiest solution to dinner is the best choice, especially when busy families are balancing after-school activities, homework, and everything else. Fast food is quick, but generally not the healthiest way to go. Instead, families should change their lifestyle to include real food. Don’t worry if you feel that learning about real food, how to cook it, and where to buy it, seems overwhelming. There is a fantastic website that can teach you everything you need to know. BantingWarehouse understands that real food matters. They provide information for people … Continue reading

Praising Correctly

Who knew paying your child a compliment could be so damaging? According to researchers in the Netherlands, all praise is not created equal.  In fact, you may even harm your kid if you don’t applaud him properly. Oh, the horror! Scientists at Utrecht University claim certain types of praise have the ability to sabotage self-esteem in children with fragile egos.  The researchers categorize effort-based praise as the good type of praise and personal praise as its evil twin. For example, if your child scores a touchdown during his school football game and you shout out:  “You are the most awesome … Continue reading

Unusual Pet Products

On a recent MSN list of “unusual ways to make a buck,” 5 of the 21 items on the list were about pets.  That doesn’t seem like that many, but it’s the largest single category on the list.  The pet inventions are Pet Rocks, Doggles, Petite Amande, Pet Butler, and Neuticles.  Given the age of that first item, it doesn’t require much explanation; we all know what it is. Let’s look at the other pet products on the list in increasing order of ridiculousness.  That means Pet Butler is up next.  It might seem crazy – a butler for your … Continue reading

The Sweet (and Not So Sweet) Origins of the Honeymoon

There’s one wedding tradition that doesn’t seem like it should need much explanation: the honeymoon.  Unlike some of our other wedding traditions, which seem to happen because it feels like that’s the way it’s always been, the purpose of the honeymoon appears to make sense.  It gives the new couple some time alone together, away from the world.  That, more so than a wedding ceremony itself, seems like the perfect celebration of the start of a marriage. But just like the wedding dress, despite the fact that there seems to be an obvious explanation for the honeymoon, its origins are … Continue reading

Winter Meal Planning

It feels like I am constantly running to the grocery store. If I’m lucky, I only go a couple of times during the week. But more often it ends up being three or four times that I visit. Now that it’s gotten colder and I am thinking ahead to the winter months, my goal is to eliminate unnecessary trips to the store. The only way I can really do that is to improve my meal planning skills. Last year I had this great idea of trying three new recipes every week. I was tired of cooking the same things over … Continue reading

Holiday Shopping: Is Layaway Right for Parents?

Parents comprise the bulk of holiday shoppers. No surprise there. I don’t know many moms or dads who look forward to disappointing their flesh and blood on Christmas morning. On the contrary, the majority of parents–regardless of their socioeconomic status–are willing to do just about anything to ensure their children enjoy a very merry holiday. Despite the fact that millions of Americans are out of work and the economy is still in the dumpster, retailers are still pushing their wares–mostly to pint-sized customers. So what’s a cash-strapped parent to do when her kid’s wish list is taller than the actual … Continue reading

What is Your 11 Month Old Up To?

I am going to savor every moment of this last month. The last month before my baby officially turns into a one year old. I can’t take it. The time has gone by way too quickly. It always does. Today is his 11 month birthday and the best gift he could give me? He finally said Mama. Intentionally. You see, he has been saying “Dada” intentionally for a few months now. I have to admit that I’ve been more than a little jealous. My husband is fabulous and wonderful, and deserves the love too, but a Mom is always eager … Continue reading

Sell It Again Tips

Can you resell items that you once bought used? Of course you can! If you bought it, chances are that someone somewhere will do the same. Sometimes I can even sell items for more than I paid, even after I’ve used them. Here are my sell it again tips. Buy Good Quality Items When you buy anything that is not immediately consumable, such as food or dental floss, buy good quality, especially when you buy used. Many times I would rather buy a good quality but used item instead of a cheaper quality brand new with tags item. This is … Continue reading

Girl vs. Monster: Disney’s Answer to Buffy?

As I was poking around on the refurbished site (it’s very pretty and well-organized now, I’ll have to do an overview of it later) I noticed something called “Girl vs. Monster.” Immediately my hackles rose. I know I should give Disney the benefit of the doubt, but I guess I was just jumpy after the premiere of “Once Upon A Time,” where Belle stays with Rumple again to “change him with the power of love,” or some other terrible abusive-vibe thing like that. I’m glad I followed the link to learn more about it, though, because “Girl vs. Monster” … Continue reading

Depression: It’s More Than Being Sad

Depression is a clinical disorder in which the brain no longer produces the proper amount of serotonin. This can happen for a number of reasons and can last for invariable amounts of time. For some reason there often is a stigma associated with depression. I even once had a boy I was dating tell me there was no such thing. Another man I know told me to “build a bridge and get over it.” For someone suffering from depression these comments were both hurtful and completely untrue. I was dealing with something I literally had no control over. Hard as … Continue reading