Let’s Talk About Avoiding a Cesarean-Section

It’s commonly understood that cesareans are surgical procedures, and therefore come with an element of risk. In fact, risks of the surgery include things as serious as infection, uterine rupture, low birth weight for the baby, and even death for either mother or child. Here I will highlight ways to avoid a cesarean section. Throughout pregnancy: The easiest way to avoid a cesarean is to educate yourself and decide to birth naturally. Interview many care providers, and choose one that you feel is most concerned with your interests. Introduce them to you birth plan, and gauge their attitude towards it. … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Your Homebirth Supply List

So you’ve decided to have a homebirth, or maybe you are just curious as to what is needed to give birth at home. There are numerous things that you will be advised to get for a homebirth, but you may not use all of them. Your midwife will probably give you a list of things she requires you to have aside from what she will bring in her birth bag, and this can differ between midwives. Many of these things are right at home, all you have to do is get them all together in a box or basket and … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog in the New Year

In closing my very first month as a Pregnancy Blogger, I am closing out a year as well. I would like to say thank you to those of you that have read my entries so far. I’m having a wonderful time writing about a topic that is very near and dear to me. I hope you all are enjoying reading as much as I am writing. Here is a look-back on December 2006 and a look forward to the things I will touch on in the New Year: I talked about a lot of things that relate to the first … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About the Week in Review

This week I touched on some intimate pregnancy issues, and some that may affect a woman in early stages of pregnancy. In Let’s Talk About Pregnancy Intuition 1, I suggested that we as women can sense pregnancy before we get that positive test result. This can be an amazing thing for a woman, especially if she has been trying to conceive. In Let’s Talk About Dreams During Pregnancy, I gave simple tips on how to use your dream journal as therapy. Sometimes our dreams can help us channel our feelings in a positive way. In Let’s Talk About Pregnancy Intuition … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Choosing a Healthcare Provider

So you’ve gotten a positive test result. What’s the first thing you think of? For many women, one of their first thoughts is about getting in to see a doctor. So, you run to the phone and try to make an appointment with an obstetrician. The interesting thing is, although you are eager to get some care, most doctor offices will probably hold off on seeing you until 10 weeks or so. At that time, your hormone levels will be consistent enough to get certain blood readings, and the baby’s heartbeat is more likely to be heard via doppler or … Continue reading

Alternative Medicine and Your Doctor

Alternative medicine is gaining in popularity. It comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. As we learn about it’s diversity and benefits, more and more Americans are giving it a try. Let’s face it, as a whole we’re a very unhealthy bunch. We are beginning to recognize that, and some of us look for more “natural” ways to reclaim our bodies than others. Most people, I think, try to strike a balance between the medical world and our alternative worlds. The bad part is we don’t always tell our medical doctors what else we are doing and vise-versa. That can … Continue reading