Changes In Teens’ Attitude About Pregnancy

The latest news concerning teen pregnancy is a little troubling. The CDC reports that teens are less worried about pregnancy than in the past. While the percentage of teens having sex has not changed much since 2002, the attitude towards having a child out of wedlock has changed quite a bit. The majority of teens, according to the survey, believe it is okay for an unmarried woman to have a baby. Another interesting fact included in the report is about the most common methods of birth control among teens. The withdrawal method of birth control, also jokingly referred to as … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: C-Sections and Bonding After Birth

Question: Do mothers who have c-sections not bond as well with their babies? This is not a question someone e-mailed me, but rather something that was being discussed in the forums. It’s a very sensitive issue and frankly, I think there has been made much ado about nothing. Bonding is NOT a one time event. It is not this little narrow window of opportunity that once is lost, is gone forever. It is a process and to be honest, I think a lot of people don’t understand what exactly is meant by bonding when they talk about it. What is … Continue reading

Dads, Take Off Your Shirts!

It has long been reported that infants born via c-section do not experience the same bonding as those who were born vaginally. But now a new study has been published that says that daddies should be the primary care giver if the mother is not available. The study followed several infant-father pairs. All of the infants were born via c-section. Some of the dads took off their shirts and the newborn was placed directly on dad’s chest for skin to skin contact. The other set of newborns were placed in cribs. Dad was allowed to sing, and touch the baby … Continue reading

How Pregnancy Changes Your Marriage

Parenthood changes the marital relationship. Any mother will tell you that her relationship with her spouse changed when they became parents. What you may not realize is the changes begin before the baby arrives. From the time you find out you are expecting, the dynamic of the relationship will change. Your marriage may change in several ways. Change is not always a bad thing. It can be a good and healthy thing. The changes are definitely normal. After all, you are going from a couple to a family. This is bound to make a difference in the relationship. One thing … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Who’s Catching the Baby

Did you catch, or would you catch, your own baby if you could? This question was posed to me recently, and gave me pause for thought. I distinctly remember, while pushing my second daughter out, being encouraged to “just reach down and grab her”. It sounds a little bit easier than it is. I was very much in the middle of something – namely, pushing another human being out of myself – so I had little concentration to devote to the task. Ultimately, it wasn’t something I was intensely interested in, and so I don’t regret replying to the suggestion … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Pregnancy: Your Parenting Primer

There’s more than one reason why it takes ten months to develop a human being. You’re not only making a baby, you’re making yourself into a mother. Life changes like this take some time, and some getting used to. Nature has this amazing way of anticipating all these changes and introducing them to you in subtle ways, but the question is: Can you read the signs? Deprivation Station – Having to wake in the night to go pee often will help you get used to waking all night with baby. Early in pregnancy you will experience sparse trips, and they … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog in the New Year

In closing my very first month as a Pregnancy Blogger, I am closing out a year as well. I would like to say thank you to those of you that have read my entries so far. I’m having a wonderful time writing about a topic that is very near and dear to me. I hope you all are enjoying reading as much as I am writing. Here is a look-back on December 2006 and a look forward to the things I will touch on in the New Year: I talked about a lot of things that relate to the first … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Dads and Pregnancy

For most women, switching into mommy-mode seems like an overnight process. One day, you’re body is yours to do with what you will, and the next day it’s house and home to another being. You feel the snap intensely: You’re part of an intimate duo now. Everything you do has certain implications on the growing baby inside you, and you bring this baby with you wherever you go. Now imagine that you are equally excited, concerned, confused and anxious about the great change that is taking place in your life, except that you aren’t carrying this baby. Imagine instead that … Continue reading

When Dad-to-Be Is Deployed

There are currently 98,000 troops in Iraq as of February 28th. How many of those soldiers are expectant dads? How many women in the US are pregnant right now, while the daddy-to-be is across the world, missing every milestone and likely to miss the baby’s birth as well? I’m guessing the figure is pretty large. Pregnancy and childbirth, not to mention raising a newborn, is difficult enough when both parents are present. Adding the pain of missing a loved one and going through all of these events on your own makes it that much harder. In past wars, couples had … Continue reading

Father’s Day

There seems to be some confusion about when, exactly, fatherhood and motherhood begin and with Father’s Day rapidly approaching this topic needs to be addressed. This doesn’t seem to be so confusing for my wife and I because we consider ourselves parents already. My wife’s motherhood is quite obvious as the changes that her body has undergone so far outweigh any notion that she is not already caring and sacrificing for her child: Morning sickness, stretch marks, packing away that favorite pair of jeans and those form fitting tops for donated or used maternity clothes. Fatherhood seems to be a … Continue reading