The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog in the New Year

In closing my very first month as a Pregnancy Blogger, I am closing out a year as well. I would like to say thank you to those of you that have read my entries so far. I’m having a wonderful time writing about a topic that is very near and dear to me. I hope you all are enjoying reading as much as I am writing. Here is a look-back on December 2006 and a look forward to the things I will touch on in the New Year: I talked about a lot of things that relate to the first … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Choosing a Healthcare Provider

So you’ve gotten a positive test result. What’s the first thing you think of? For many women, one of their first thoughts is about getting in to see a doctor. So, you run to the phone and try to make an appointment with an obstetrician. The interesting thing is, although you are eager to get some care, most doctor offices will probably hold off on seeing you until 10 weeks or so. At that time, your hormone levels will be consistent enough to get certain blood readings, and the baby’s heartbeat is more likely to be heard via doppler or … Continue reading

Late Trimester Test: The Cervical Exam

  As your due date approaches, you’ll start getting more and more checks by your doctor.  Your appointment schedule will increase to every two weeks from around week 30, and then every week from around week 37.  In addition to the fetal heartbeat check, you’ll probably have your belly measured as well, and your provider will feel around your stomach to determine the baby’s position.  Some doctors might even do a vaginal exam for this, if they’re having trouble determining where the baby is. You’ll get your group B strep test, and this might also be around the time you’ll … Continue reading