Let’s Talk About Birthing Big: Super Tonio!

“Super Tonio” is the name given to a new baby boy born February 1st, weighing 14.5 pounds in Cancun, Mexico. The baby has caused a sensation, with crowds gathering at the windows of a maternity unit trying to get a peek at the baby who is at least twice the size of most of the others there. Antonio Vasconcelos was, of no surprise to this blogger, born via c-section at Cancun’s Jesus Kumate Rodriguez hospital. The hospital’s director reports that the baby is healthy, despite high blood sugar and a slight blood infection, both of which are under control. The … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy – Awesome, Healthy Drink Options

With pregnancy comes new eating and drinking habits. Those of you who are used to enjoying a hot cup of coffee every morning may be seriously stumped as to how much is allowed, and/or what to replace it with. I myself was not a habitual coffee drinker, but I did enjoy a cup now and then. Decaf coffee does not appeal to me as it is decaffeinated by a process involving chlorine, so I was more interested in a naturally decaffeinated beverage. Colas are obviously a no-no due to caffeine content as well, so what is the pregnant woman to … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: Prenatal Eating Tips

This quick list will help you to make sure you get optimum nutrition during your pregnancy with ease. As long as you remember these ten simple things, you should have no trouble maintaining a healthy pregnancy, barring any unforeseen complications such as preeclampsia, etc. Along with your prenatal supplements, there are certain things that your baby will need to get from you while in utero. You could even print out this list and tape it to your refrigerator for a quick reference before snacking. Without further ado, here are the top ten tips to prenatal eating: TEN: If you don’t … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog in the New Year

In closing my very first month as a Pregnancy Blogger, I am closing out a year as well. I would like to say thank you to those of you that have read my entries so far. I’m having a wonderful time writing about a topic that is very near and dear to me. I hope you all are enjoying reading as much as I am writing. Here is a look-back on December 2006 and a look forward to the things I will touch on in the New Year: I talked about a lot of things that relate to the first … Continue reading

The Importance of Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets your metabolism going. A healthy nutrient dense breakfast should maintain your blood sugar until lunch. Skipping breakfast seems to be a common practice these days but it’s not a very healthy one. On the other hand eating empty calories (foods with little to no nutritional value) is equally problematic. Since our bodies need 6-10 hours of sleep every night and since it’s not recommended for the average person to eat past 9PM, our bodies have been fasting and conserving energy for several hours. Breakfast is what wakes up the … Continue reading

Celebrity Fit Club Host: Harvey Walden IV

The retired marine, now turned host of the popular TV show, “Celebrity Fit Club”, follows a strict regimen to weight loss. He endorses six, smaller sized meals a day as a way to achieve weight loss. Walden recommends a small portion of lean protein at each meal, such as turkey with whole wheat bread, not white bread. Green apples serve as his snack. He also states that dinner should be by seven in the evening. Eating any later than this tends to pile on the pounds. Cutting portion sizes down and adding exercise to your daily life will help you … Continue reading

Loss of Appetite

Pregnant women may experience loss of appetite periodically during pregnancy. In most cases, this is only temporary and doesn’t pose any risk to the mother or child. Only in extreme cases when nutrition is affected is it a big problem. Morning sickness can be responsible for loss of appetite. When you are feeling nauseated, food is the last thing on your mind. Fortunately, for the vast majority of women morning sickness is a temporary issue and not severe enough to cause nutritional deficits. If you are experiencing loss of appetite due to morning sickness, there are a few things you … Continue reading

IBS in Pregnancy

Irritable bowel syndrome affects millions of people. Two thirds of the people with IBS are women. Since so many women are affected by IBS, it is obvious that it will be a problem for some pregnant women. Pregnancy has an affect on irritable bowel syndrome, but this varies from woman to woman. The same woman can have two completely different experiences from one pregnancy to the next. In some cases, the symptoms of IBS disappear during pregnancy. For other women, the symptoms get worse. In some cases, irritable bowel syndrome can develop for the first time during pregnancy. In most … Continue reading

Changes to Make in Your Diet Now

When you discover you are pregnant, you become more aware of the foods you eat. Some women naturally begin to crave healthier foods and develop aversions to things like soda and cigarettes. The rest of us have to make a conscious effort to change unhealthy habits. Here are some changes to make now: Cut out Caffeine: For most women one cup of coffee is thought to be safe. Larger amounts of caffeine can result in low birth weight. Cutting out coffee may not be enough. Soda and ice teas are an added source of caffeine. The other problem with caffeine … Continue reading

Planning Healthy Dinners in Pregnancy

When I was pregnant, the more I read about nutrition, the more I worried about my diet. It doesn’t have to be difficult to plan healthy dinners during your pregnancy. When planning meals, it’s important to remember to include a variety of foods. Keep in mind that you don’t need more than an extra 300 calories each day for your baby. When you are planning your dinners, aim for a balance and include foods from all food groups when planning your dinner menu. Include whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables. Drink milk with your dinner to add calcium and a … Continue reading