The Pregnancy Blog Review for Sept 22-29

Welcome to the pregnancy blog review. This is where I summarize recent posts in the blog. It’s a good place to see all the recent posts in one place. Click the links to read the rest of the story. I attempt to cover a range of topics related to fertility, conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond. Nicole Kidman recently was quoted as crediting the water in specific waterfalls in Australia with the conception of her daughter. It turns out, belief in healing waters is widespread. There are waters around the world that are thought to be places of healing. Read more … Continue reading

Lowering Risk of Complications for Diabetic Women

Women with diabetes prior to pregnancy and those who develop the condition in pregnancy are at risk for certain complications during pregnancy. Among these complications is a risk of an excessively large baby. This is known as macrosomia. A larger baby increases the likelihood the mother will require medical interventions during the birth, including a higher risk of c section. A study published in the British Medical Journal suggests an effective way for lowering this risk is through continuous glucose monitoring. Glucose monitoring is done by all diabetic pregnant women. This can be done in two ways, intermittent monitoring throughout … Continue reading

My Forced Weight Loss Journey – How It Started

I used the word “forced” in the title when I guess no one can be truly “forced” to lose weight. But, let me tell you a bit about my history and why I felt this was forced. When I was younger, I was very active, but like many of us, I became more and more sedentary as the years went on. I married for the first (and only!) time at 36 and right before I turned 40, I realized if we were going to have any children, we had better get started! I was very lucky in that we got … Continue reading

Improving Pregnancy Outcomes in the US

The infant mortality rate and pregnancy outcomes in the United States are among the lowest in the developed world. Various health organizations, the March of Dimes and researchers have been focusing on finding answers to improve the health of mothers and babies in the US. RTI Research Institute has recently announced targeted recommendations for improving pregnancy outcomes in the country. One of the recurring themes in research into infant mortality shows that minority and poor mothers are disproportionately affected by problems leading to preterm birth and health care. In fact, the infant mortality rate for African American mothers is nearly … Continue reading