Reflections on Morning Sickness During the Second Pregnancy

Morning sickness is one of those things that punctuates pregnancy. While the universal experience of morning sickness varies from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy, most women do experience some form of morning sickness during pregnancy. As much as I wished I would be different than the average pregnant woman, my morning sickness experience seemed fairly typical. With previous experience and a wealth of knowledge I thought that I could change the outcome (and perhaps I did but to a much smaller degree than I had hoped). Morning sickness is very much like a roller coaster ride; there … Continue reading

Easing Morning Sickness With Fresh Air

Not all expectant mother’s experience morning sickness. Of those that do, some woman are nearly incapacitated by severe and persistent symptoms. While others experience bothersome but manageable symptoms. Luckily, I fall into the latter group of expectant mothers. While I can function quite well through the day, motivation certainly sways with the waves of nausea that come and go throughout the day. Some days the nausea is kept at bay with small and frequent snacks but other days the nausea never goes away. I was having one of those days last week — nothing could quell the queasiness. It was … Continue reading

Morning Sickness the Second Time Around

I’m interested to see if my experience of morning sickness will differ with the second pregnancy. According to Marylin Shannon’s book, “Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition” it seems that morning sickness should be more manageable and less severe with a healthy diet, plenty of protein, and continued regular exercise (exercise helps balance the hormones). Considering that our regular diet is much healthier than it was at the beginning of my first pregnancy, I think and hope that my morning sickness symptoms won’t be nearly as bad as the first time. We discovered we were pregnant at just four weeks. At that … Continue reading

Tips for Alleviating Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can dampen the joys of finding out you are expecting. Morning sickness, like most pregnancy symptoms, is caused by the increase of hormones in your body, particularly estrogen. You may feel mild to severe nausea, with or without bouts of vomiting. The nausea is not necessarily limited to the morning. Many pregnant women experience morning sickness throughout the day. Some women suffer from morning sickness for a few weeks or months, while others find themselves suffering for the duration of their pregnancy. If you are expecting twins, you may experience more severe morning sickness, due to increased hormone … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten – Ways to Break the News

I distinctly remember the ancient Full House episode in which Aunt Becky attempts to announce her pregnancy to Uncle Jesse during a family game of Pictionary. First she drew a wheel of cheese, then I think she mocked cutting it in half, then came a bottle of ink, and of course a picture of a baby. Cheese. Half. Ink. A baby? Sheeeeshalvingababy? She’s having a baby! And the Tanner family erupted with congratulatory whelping. There’s more than one way to break the news of your pregnancy to family, friends and significant others, so why not make it really fun – … Continue reading

The Lord is In the Details of our Lives

This past weekend, I had an experience that may seem small and insignificant to some, but it meant a lot to me. One of my children had the stomach flu. It is my least favorite thing as a parent. And, to put it simply, I have quite a bit of anxiety over it. I do not handle that type of sickness well at all, and it is very difficult for me every single time. Well, my child seemed to be getting better, and as usual, I felt myself relax and realize that all would be OK. A few days later, … Continue reading

Forget The Don’t List Here Are Things That You Can Do While Pregnant

There can be days when it seems like your positive pregnancy test came with a list of restrictions a mile long. You go to the neighborhood deli to get some lunch and then realize that you have been told not to eat lunch meat. Ski season is just around the corner and you realize that you are going to have to sit this one out. Depending upon how far along you are in pregnancy and how your pregnancy is progressing, you may be even further restricted by bed rest and other activity limitations as you go along. Even on those … Continue reading

How Did You Know?

Some women claim that they knew that they were pregnant at the precise moment that conception occurred. I am not one of them. With both of my pregnancies, I was none the wiser until almost two months along. With my first pregnancy, I first became suspicious when my husband and I went out to breakfast one day. I love the taste of coffee, but on that day I thought that my coffee tasted absolutely revolting. I asked my husband whether his coffee tasted funny and he said that it did not. Discussion turned to why I was all of a … Continue reading

Safe Housekeeping During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you may find yourself suddenly motivated to clean more than you usually do. Of course, you may not, and that is also perfectly normal. I never experienced an overwhelming urge to clean house during either of my pregnancies, although I did clean a little more than normal during my second pregnancy. Cleaning during pregnancy is not harmful in and of itself. When the urge to clean strikes, be careful about what products you use to clean, and about some of the chores that you choose to tackle. If you have been bitten by the housekeeping bug, … Continue reading

Bed Rest

If you are in your first trimester and feeling really tired, you may be secretly hoping that one day your prenatal care provider will tell you that you have got to take it easy, and will prescribe bed rest. As nice as it sounds, bed rest is not all that great – and not all that practical either, especially if you already have a little one running around the house. On average, one out of every five mothers will be prescribed bed rest during her pregnancy for any one of a number of reasons. Bed rest can mean anything from … Continue reading