Help! I Need Motivation to Cook

Cook from scratch to save money. It is automatic. Unless you are springing for prime cuts of steak or exotic mushrooms (in which case, feel free to cook a meal for me some time), you will always spend more money eating out than you will cooking from scratch, especially when you factor in nutrition. Heating up a frozen pizza you picked up from the grocery store doesn’t count. Those things are expensive, too (and tiny; they are very tiny). Still knowing something is good for you and your budget and actually doing it are too different things, as most of … Continue reading

Exercise for the Breast Cancer Survivor

It is “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” so let’s focus on the benefits of exercise. Studies have shown that there is a reduction in mortality and recurrence for those who participate in regular exercise. The problem is that despite this, too many breast cancer patients don’t keep active. Sometimes it is for physical reasons, the toll of treatment on the body and feeling tired. Other times it is emotional, just not having the motivation to get moving. This is where supervised exercise programs can help, which many hospitals and medical centers offer. The problem is that once the program has ended, … Continue reading

Exercise Each Days Keeps Illness Away

In my blogs, I talk a lot about the long-term health benefits to a fit lifestyle. I emphasize how fitness is about more than just losing weight; it is about preventing serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Well last week I read an article about immediate health benefits you can reap as a result of exercising. It was found that it could reduce the number of days you miss work because of respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. Are you one of those people that always seem to catch a cold? Do you find that you … Continue reading

Motivation Is Key

I talk a lot about motivation when it comes to fitness. That’s because it is key to starting up and maintaining a fit lifestyle. Motivation has two general definitions. The first is “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” So this means that an individual’s reasons for wanting to be fit are unique to that person. For some people it is to get healthier. This can be a huge motivation for those who are diagnosed with certain types of health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. For other people their reason is … Continue reading

Continuing Post Partum Exercise

Now that I am almost five months post partum (it is crazy how quickly time passes), I am realizing that my post partum journey is hardly over. As this stage of my life progresses and evolves, so must my post partum workout routine. It was at this point after my son’s birth that I finally picked up and stuck with a hard core exercise regiment. Gaging my progress, successful or otherwise, has been a particular challenge for me. In a lot of ways I tend to be extremely hard on myself (perhaps this is the source of my motivation). The … Continue reading

Inspiration through Motivational Quotes

Are you inspired by motivational quotes? I have been known to post scripture verses or motivational words around my house. I put them in places that my family and I will see most frequently (mirror, refrigerator, my desk, dashboard in the car, etc.). By getting these encouraging words into your heart and thought processes, it can push you to move forward. It can inspire you to not give up. Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to help us press on. So by filling your mind with motivational words, you may be able to get where you never … Continue reading

Tips for Post Partum Exercise

There is a lot to be said about post partum exercise. Whether the motivation is to lose pregnancy weight, get fit after baby, or to simply get back into the routine (all of these are my motivation to exercise post partum), there are a number of things that you can do to make your post partum workouts a success. First and foremost: mental preparation. You need to get it in your head that you are going to start working out as soon as you are physically able be it four weeks post partum or twelve weeks post partum. Based on … Continue reading

What Impacts Your Motivation to Exercise?

It’s interesting how the weather seems to affect my motivation to exercise. For nearly two weeks, the state I live in (Wisconsin) has been experiencing unseasonably warmer temperatures. In fact, I believe we broke record high temps on at least two days. It didn’t even feel like spring, it felt more like summer as we hit the 80’s. It was invigorating and got me outside taking a walk nearly every evening. Then this past weekend the temperature started to drop. As of the writing of this blog, we are only at 37 degrees, which is still considered to be pretty … Continue reading

Great Blog for Workouts and Motivation

Have you heard of Peanut Butter Fingers? No, it isn’t a new treat on the market it is a blog about fitness. I recently became aware of this blog while looking for workout routines I could effectively do in my home. Most home workouts are on DVD’s or Netflix. After a while they get boring and you lack the motivation to pop in the DVD or switch over to Netflix. I wanted to find something with teeth and something to fight the boredom. On my search I found a few tips here and there but it was not until looking … Continue reading

Pregnancy Reflections: Exercise

I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to exercise frequently and consistently throughout pregnancy. The results are quite amazing. I first became committed to exercise with my first pregnancy. I did not exercise nearly as frequently or intensely with my first pregnancy nor was I as consistent with my workout routine. I gained more weight with my first pregnancy and it took me over six months to get close to my pre-pregnancy size. I was also in the process of transitioning to a whole food diet with local and organic foods. It was during the post pregnancy phase of … Continue reading