Safe Housekeeping During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you may find yourself suddenly motivated to clean more than you usually do. Of course, you may not, and that is also perfectly normal. I never experienced an overwhelming urge to clean house during either of my pregnancies, although I did clean a little more than normal during my second pregnancy. Cleaning during pregnancy is not harmful in and of itself. When the urge to clean strikes, be careful about what products you use to clean, and about some of the chores that you choose to tackle. If you have been bitten by the housekeeping bug, … Continue reading

Recovering After Pregnancy

Although the birth of each of my sons was different, I have noticed a similarity between the two experiences in how I feel afterwards. The overall theme of what I felt after my first pregnancy and what I am feeling now is to get up, get out, get moving, and otherwise resume my normal daily activities. As I share my experience in the pregnancy recovery department, please keep in mind that since each woman and each pregnancy is different, your plan for pregnancy recovery and resumption of daily activities should be discussed with your doctors or midwives to ensure your … Continue reading

Moving Part II

Here we are in the midst of packing, loading the truck, and cleaning. Today is our last day to get everything done before we begin the long trek back to the Midwest. We’ve made a lot of progress yesterday. Most of the large items are out of the house and over a dozen large totes filled, labelled, and loaded. I spent a good portion of the evening cleaning and getting the things left in the house organized into piles to go in the truck. This small act of organization really gave me piece of mind as it became apparent that … Continue reading

Preparations for Moving

Moving is never an easy or stress-free experience. My husband and I have moved several times in our five short years of marriage. The last time we moved I was in my third trimester. The move was a fairly simple in-town move to a larger residence. A couple of my husband’s colleagues helped us with the heavy items. While lifting heavy objects is very hard and strenuous. I find the actually packing to be the most stressful aspect of moving. Once again I am pregnant, although only in my first trimester and once again we are planning our next move. … Continue reading

Food and Pregnancy

Pregnancy has had a huge impact on what we buy at the grocery store. Before my first pregnancy we bought all of our food from one or two different grocery stores in town; the ones that were the closest to us. That slowly began to change with my first pregnancy as I researched nutritional needs of mom and baby in utero. I was astounded at how many items we bought regularly contained ingredients that were potentially detrimental to our health and my pregnancy (e.g. sugar-free gum and lunch meats). The more research I did the more foods we cut out … Continue reading

Chill Out During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, there is a lot to worry about. I am THE QUEEN of worry. So, with my first pregnancy, I was a mess. I wish I would have made the effort to have chilled out a little bit during pregnancy. But, I didn’t really know how. You can easily worry yourself into a frenzy. Issues that many women fret over include: *What to eat and how much? *What kind of vitamins to take *Is the baby moving enough, or moving too much? *What kind of parent will you be? *Are you gaining enough weight? Not enough? The … Continue reading

Can Breastfeeding Reduce Teen Pregnancy?

According to a new report, women who were breastfed as babies tend to get pregnant later in life compared to those who were bottle-fed as infants. If that’s true then my daughter shouldn’t expect to get pregnant until she’s in her forties. That kid nursed 24/7 for the first 18 months of her life. Give or take a few months. By my calculations that means she won’t be procreating until she’s well past her teenage years. Then again, perhaps, I am reading too much into this new study. The published report in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows … Continue reading

Dealing With Constipation During Pregnancy

It’s one of the most common complaints in pregnancy. The most regular of women can suddenly find themselves all stopped up. It’s extremely uncomfortable, even downright painful sometimes. Constipation during pregnancy is caused by the hormone progesterone which slows digestion, and is often made worse by all the iron in your prenatal vitamins. Fortunately there are some things you can do to help with constipation that are completely safe for you and your baby. * First of all, talk to your doctor about your prenatal vitamin. It may have more iron than you need. There are many different supplements out … Continue reading

Worrying During Pregnancy

There are certain symptoms of pregnancy that are simply classic. Morning sickness, sore breasts, frequent urination and fatigue are all hallmark indications that you are expecting. But there is another symptom of pregnancy that is equally common: worrying. Worry is one symptom you won’t get, however, until you already know you’re pregnant. Once it hits, it hits hard. For the remainder of your pregnancy you find yourself worrying about everything from how much weight you are gaining to how much the baby is moving. Surfing the internet can make a pregnant woman crazy with all the stories of diseases, birth … Continue reading

Surviving Your Last Weeks of Pregnancy: Sleeping Arrangements

You only have a few weeks to go until your baby arrives, and if you’re like I was, you’ve probably got six loads of baby laundry going through the wash for the second time, a list of 25 things for your husband to clean and organize, a wet mop in one hand, and a feather duster in the other. That’s in addition to the vacuuming, scrubbing, and organizing you did last night until 3am, right? Unfortunately, all that hard work and preparation commonly referred to as “nesting” is robbing you of precious sleep. Nothing is more important right now than … Continue reading