Gender Tests

Whether or not you should find out the gender of your baby ahead of time is debatable. Some women swear that waiting until delivery is the most exciting way to go; but other women insist that knowing ahead of time is the only way to be truly prepared. (Then again, I was supposed to be a “boy,” and my parents didn’t even have a girl’s name picked out. How’s that for being prepared?) Regardless, if you do want to find out ahead of time, you might be tempted to use one of these brand new gender tests that have been … Continue reading

Morning Sickness and Gender Prediction

Some myths just keep popping up when it comes to pregnancy. The most pervasive myths tend to be related to gender prediction and it’s not surprising: “girl or boy” is on every pregnant woman’s mind. Predictors include everything from suspending a pencil over the pregnant woman’s belly to which side of the bed she sleep on. These types of myths are easily debunked, but there are a few that seem plausible. One in particular is the correlation between morning sickness and gender. Does the presence or strength of morning sickness predict gender? There are those that are quick to say … Continue reading

Myth: Fetal Heart Rate is Linked to Gender

As you may have noticed, my name is Kim. Actually, my full name is Kimberly. What you may not know, however, is that my name was originally going to be Tony or Skyler. That’s an odd name for a girl, isn’t it? That’s because my parents thought I was going to be a boy. The doctor told them I was going to be a boy because of my heart rate. No one expected a girl until I was born. Boy, was that a surprise! Sonograms were just becoming common practice in the 80s, but my mom did not have one. … Continue reading

When Gender Prediction is Wrong

I’ve had four babies. In each of these four pregnancies, we were asked if we wanted to know the gender of the baby during the ultrasound. In each case, we said that we did. Fortunately for us, the technician was correct each time. We got the gender we were expecting. During each of my pregnancies, people would ask if I knew what I was having. When I said that I did, invariably they would say something like, “What if they are wrong?” I heard story after story about friends and friends of friends who got the opposite gender from the … Continue reading

Reasons to be Surprised by Baby’s Gender

Technology now allows most parents the opportunity to learn the gender of their babies before they are born. Many parents take advantage of the opportunity and find out what they are having, but some do not. A good number of couples are waiting until the baby is born to find out whether it is a boy or a girl. The decision may not have been yours. Some babies keep their gender a secret by their position in the uterus. The technician may not be able to get a clear enough picture to determine the gender. In this case, you’ll have … Continue reading

Reasons to Find Out Baby’s Gender

Seventy percent of pregnant women have an ultrasound during their pregnancies. The ultrasound is a good diagnostic tool for certain problems in pregnancy. It also has an added benefit, you may get a peek at your baby. If you choose to have an ultrasound, the technician may ask if you want to know the gender. Some couples choose to find out and others prefer to be surprised. I like to know what I am having. I mean, the information is RIGHT THERE! It’s just too tempting for me. For us and many other couples, there are many benefits to learning … Continue reading

Fitness Myths

Myth – You have to exercise for 30 consecutive minutes for it to be successful. Fact – If you work out in three 10 minute sessions per day, you will burn as many calories and you will receive as many of the same benefits as if you did the 30 minute session. Myth – Weight lifting is only for those who want to be overmuscled Atlas jocks. Fact – The only way to overdevelop your muscles in that fashion is to literally spends hours every day in the gym power lifting. Myth – Exercise builds muscle. When you stop exercising, … Continue reading

Sorting Out Pregnancy Advice

The big problem with being pregnant is the slew of conflicting advice that comes flying in from every direction. How is a poor girl supposed to know what is true and what is not? One doctor says you’re not gaining enough weight while another says you’re gaining too much. One book says you’re not supposed to eat lunch meat and another says it’s okay if you cook it first. Some people say caffeine is okay and some people say it increases your risk for miscarriage. What is true and what is not? Whenever there is conflict about something, someone has … Continue reading

Would You Want to Know?

Married couples these days having their first baby are faced with choices that simply didn’t exist years ago. Once upon a time when a woman announced she was pregnant, everybody had an opinion as to whether the baby was a boy or a girl. Old wives tales abounded about how to tell the sex of the baby. They included dangling a coin over the pregnant woman’s tummy and seeing which way it moved. That was just one of the myriad old wives tales my extended family came up with. But then, they had an endless supply of old wives tales … Continue reading

Book Review: Hands Off My Belly!

I have a bad habit of starting about five new books or novels at the same time and it ends up taking me months to finish just one of them. Maybe one day when all my children are in school I will have the time to sit down and finish a book in a few days like I used to in college; but that is just the way things go when you are chasing a little one around the house. If you are pregnant for the first time, you probably have a lot of time on your hands, and if … Continue reading