Fertility After 40

Yesterday was my 40th birthday. The occasion got me thinking about life and motherhood. No, I am not thinking of adding another baby to our family, but many women my age are having babies or trying to conceive. The common belief is that fertility drops off dramatically after the 40th birthday. While there is truth to the idea that conceiving at 40 is more difficult than at 25, the news isn’t all grim. Many women are having babies later in life. It happens every day. Getting pregnant past 40 is possible, but it is more of a challenge. Women over … Continue reading

Pregnancy Blog Review Oct 29 – November 14

Welcome to the Pregnancy Blog review. Here you will find a brief description of recent posts in the blog. If you want to read more, click on the link to see the entire blog. Anxiety disorders may occur before or during pregnancy. Women have widely different experiences. Some find their symptoms are reduced, while others discover no change or an increase in symptoms. For others, they first experience anxiety disorder after they become pregnant. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment options in Anxiety in Pregnancy. Birthing positions can either help or hinder progress in natural child birth. Some positions … Continue reading

Natural Methods to Enhance Fertility

After a lifetime of hearing warnings about safe sex and avoiding unintended pregnancy, women are often surprised if they don’t conceive as soon as they start trying. There are some things you can do to naturally enhance your fertility, before you head off to the nearest fertility clinic for a consultation. Many of these techniques will benefit your health and your baby, when you do conceive. A healthy diet can increase your chances of conception. Foods believed to improve fertility include fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, including carrots, red peppers, mangos, figs and blueberries. There is some evidence that … Continue reading

Reduce Your Stress to Increase Your Chances of Conceiving

It’s a classic story we’ve all heard before. A childless couple eager to start a family begins their journey with high hopes. After a few months and no positive pregnancy tests, a little tension enters the picture. After six months, more worries creep in. The dreaded 12-month mark hits and the couple begins to throw around the ā€œIā€ word (infertility). The couple looks into treatments, and just before they begin their first cycle on the fertility treatments, they take a short vacation. Upon their return, they receive the shock of their life when they discover she is pregnant. Just when … Continue reading

What is a Tilted Uterus?

A tilted uterus (also called a tipped uterus or retroverted uterus) is when the uterus is slightly tilted backwards. Normally, the uterus is straight and vertical to the pelvis or tipped slightly forward. In some cases, a tilted uterus can make conception more difficult and it may take longer to get pregnant. Actually, the condition is not uncommon. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, about one in five women have a tilted uterus. Not all women with a tilted uterus will experience difficulty when trying to conceive. In fact, many will get pregnant with no trouble and … Continue reading